But enough about the future meals that will get in ma' belly, let's have some STEW!
Shit My Dad Says is #1 on the NY Times Non-Fiction Best Seller List

Less than one year ago Justin Halpern was a 28 year old semi-employed comedy writer whose girlfriend dumped him, forcing him to move back in with his parents. Once there, he recognized the pure comedy gold lying in his lap, and he started a Twitter feed called, "Shit My Dad Says." One thing lead to another, a friend shared the link somewhere, comedian Rob Corddry Tweeted the link, and BOOM! Over a million people subscribed to his "micro-blogs" and before too long, publishers came knocking. This fall, William Shatner will star as his dad in a sitcom version on CBS.
He is successful beyond his wildest dreams, and it all started with a Twitter account. There is hope for all of us!
LiHo is still going to jail.

The world at large cries out,

The new Office boss might be Schruteriffic.

According to EW, the chances are very good that Dwight might take over the Dunder Mifflin branch when Steve Carell moves on after the next season.
Hmmmmm... not sure how I feel about that. You?
There is a German octopus named Paul, and he is both psychic AND a soccer fan.

I'd just like to point out that this story broke on the day that I blogged about octopuses and two-fers. Just sayin'.
No, no, FUCKING no!

Via Dlisted.
Russell Brand has been cast in the title role of a remake of Arthur. Goddamn it! When will Hollywood just leave well enough alone? There's nothing wrong with the original Arthur, it's perfect as-is! Get some new ideas, asswipes! GRRRRRRR.
30 seconds that will leave you smiling.
Via Huffington Post
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