Good morning, campers! How are my little
Northstar C.I.T.s on this fine summer morning?

I'm pretty good, just chillin' at work. I have most of this week off just 'cuz I felt like taking vaca time. My birthday is on Thursday and I don't like working on my b-day if I can help it, plus I'll do just about anything to avoid the awkward office cake party shizz. Let's face it: it's hard enough for me to pretend to like my coworkers without adding in forced-fun/obligatory sugar-binging.
Over the weekend I was thinking about how much I dislike Mel Gibson. I know we've already talked about him a few times, so after this post I promise
to try not to talk about him any more! Don't want to beat a dead horse, after all. However, over the weekend more of his racist/misogynistic/bigoted rant became available for our listening (dis)pleasure thanks to
Radar online, and I think that if ANYONE has earned an
OOBH Crown of Poo, it's

And of course, while we're handing them out, we can't forget Miss "I am above the law!" Lohan, can we?

Farging Iceholes!
Moving on....

Last night's
True Blood was tasty, as always. My crush on Alcide (played by Joe Manganiello) has officially reached EPIC PROPORTIONS. Holy mother of pearl, the things I would do to that man!
First I'd... and then I'd... and then I'd put my... in his....
Hmm, never mind. I think I'd better shut it now, not that my infatuation is any secret from my darling husband. The panting and swooning that I do whenever Alcide is on screen kind of gives me away.
Okay dokey, that'll do it for today. Hope you all have a good one!
*air kisses*
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