Heh heh, hello.

And now for something completely different.
Just in case anyone was wondering about those purty little blue eggs in my bush (yeah, I said that) - they've hatched!
Say it with me, "Awwwwwwwwwwww!" Four little baby Robins emerged from the shells last week. D's only comment was, "They're see-through!"
A lot of you have asked me to do a video log (vlog) now that my voice has started to heal, and I think I just might oblige.
However, since I am La Bev, I'ma do it my way, bitches! That means it might take a while because I'm gonna get all creative and shit, so don't hold your breath. I will do it and I'm going to try to convince my partner in crime, the lovely and talented Mala, to be my costar. Stay tuned!
The most unsexy sex tape, possibly EVER
Last night I had a chance to watch a few minutes of the infamous Kendra Wilkinson sex tape (don't judge), and holy macaroni - it sucks! I'd heard it was pretty gnarly, and I'd heard right. In fact, last week I read a funny list of the 10 unsexiest things about Kendra's sex tape (link NSFW), and it was pretty much right on the money.
Number 1 on their list?
The guy.

Really, Kendra? Really? THIS is the guy you chose to tape yourself banging? This pasty, goofy guy with all his... ahem... short-comings? Egads, woman, you've redefined "doing the nasty."
Also, their bedroom is skeevy, there's some sort of hand-sanitizer dispenser on the wall, pics of someone's kids overseeing all the action, and at one point she pulls out a vibrator contraption that looks like electro-shock therapy for your lady bits.
All that's missing is a neon beer sign over the water bed and maybe a crack pipe on the bedside table. Classy!
Ok, that's all I've got for today. Latah, mashed potatah!
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