Sadly, he doesn't have this kind of fever.
Of course, I gave him some Motrin earlier this morning and now his symptoms have all but disappeared, leaving me with a cranky but active toddler who won't stop talking my ear off. Oy - it's gonna be a long day!
I didn't prepare any delicious OOBH stew for you today. Please forgive me! I just wasn't up to cooking, so I'm just going to do a short post. Think of it as me opening up a can of Dinty Moore for you.
You're welcome!
Screw the Laker Girls, the Celtics Dancers rock!

(No, I'm not a sports person, but I'm hearing about/seeing a lot of basketball lately. It's big news 'round these parts.)
Thank you for being a friend, Rue McClanahan!

Blanche was always my favorite Golden Girl. I used to watch this show a lot when it was syndicated on weekday afternoons. I'd venture to say that I've seen every episode, and watching it always made me think that getting old and gray wouldn't be so bad as long as I could have some cool girlfriends to live with after all our men kicked the bucket. (Sorry, Jim)
Blanche made me happy because she proved that you may have to get older, but you can stay young at heart forever! Oh, and old ladies still dig sex, which... is awesome.
Of course, now that I'm not a teenager anymore I have my doubts about whether I'll live to be old enough to eat cheesecake on the lanai or pick up dirty old men at the 7-11, Blanche Devereaux-style, but a girl can hope!
R.I.P. Rue.
With friends like these, who needs enemas?

So Gary Coleman died recently, and details about what happened after he hit his head and suffered the cerebral hemorrhage are coming to light. Turns out his darling ex-wife, Shannon Price, saw the whole thing and called 911 but refused to help him stop the bleeding from his broken skull because blood grosses her out.
Uhhh, wow. That's pretty heartless, right? I mean, sure - they were divorced. But still! I wouldn't stand by and watch my worst enemy bleed to death without getting a goddamn dish towel and applying some pressure, much less a man I once claimed to love! I heard the tape of her 911 call and it was terrible; she basically just stood there and watched him dying until the ambulance came to get him.
Then she pulled the plug. The end.
What a gal!
Okay, on that note, I'm going to go get myself some ibuprofin to counter-balance the raging headache I now have. FYI, the whole time I was writing this post my child was leaping against me gleefully, which totally hurt. And was annoying. Currently he is hitting himself in the head with a ukulele and saying, "Ow," repeatedly. So I guess I need to get off the computer and do some actual parenting.
Have a great weekend, all!
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