Yes, I'm singing to you. You heard me right. Not only am I cheerful on the first day back at work after a delightful, relaxing long weekend, but I'm so cheerful that I'm actually singing.
Wanna know why?
Can you guess?
Maybe because something wonderful is happening...
I'm not sure why, but I'm not questioning it...

YUP. Big news in Bev-town, my peeps! My voice is coming back after almost 5 months of me sounding like Minnie Mouse with a horrible case of laryngitis. I can't tell you how happy I am to have some strength back to my voice and to know that something will come out when I try to speak. It's still not perfect, but it's noticeably better. I can speak up and be heard across the room. I can hold a conversation without running out of air. I can talk to people I haven't met before and NOT have them ask me if I'm sick.
It's... well, it's pretty fucking fantastic.

It's still not perfect, but it's better, and I'll take it. I'm due to see the ENT tomorrow, but I don't need the scope to know that ol' Lefty the Dysfunctional Vocal Cord is back in business. I hope he enjoyed his hiatus, the lazy little prick. I don't plan to let him take another break anytime soon; in fact, before you know it I'll expect him to belt out some karaoke!
ANYWHO. Did everyone have a good 3-day weekend? I certainly did. We spent time with friends on Saturday and Sunday and then took a family chill day yesterday. All I did was lie on my chaise lounge and read, eat, drink a few cold beverages, then read some more. Even my children were so pooped from their busy weekend that they chilled out for a change. BLISS.
How about you? Do anything fun & exciting?
Who wants to hear me do some scales? WOOT!
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