On Friday night we had my visiting ILs over to the house for dinner. I found an even BETTER deal on lobsters than we got last week - $3.99/lb! - so we had surf & turf and all the fixin's. I made waaaaay too much. After dinner, we even got the parental units to play Rock Band with us, which was pretty hilarious. They didn't know any of the songs but they gave it the ol' college try, and before too long MIL was warbling along to "Carry on my Wayward Son" and FIL was banging his gong, er, beating his skins... um, playing the drums.
Apparently my BILs and their now-wives had been telling tales out of school about what a rock star I am, but I wasn't feeling particularly crazy (read: drunk) so I kept things tasteful for them. They don't get to see "That Bev." I got my Bowie on, and I wowed them with a stirring rendition of Weezer's "Buddy Holly," but I decided not to go all Boston, Who, or even Bon Jovi on them. Breakin' them in easy, don'tcha know.
On Saturday, we sat around the house for quite a while. Jim finally motivated and took the little dude over to the lake, and eventually Danny and I followed them over for a swim. It was hotter than a titch's wit in a brass bra (what?), but the water was delightful and we just can't keep the boys out of it. Jim and I even took a canoe ride for the first time in years. Actually, the last time I was in our canoe was right before I got pregnant with Danny; it was a long weekend camping/canoeing trip that we took with some friends down a river up in Maine. We used to go every year, but then we got old and had kids. Pbbbbbbtthhht.
It was lovely in the canoe. Jim did most of the work, and I just lay back, dangled a hand in the water, and admired the view. Very relaxing, depsite my husband's repeated requests for me to flash him some boobage. Men. (FWIW, you know I did)
Saturday night we just stayed home and had pizza, then watched The Wrestler after the kids went to bed. Well, I watched it; J was exhausted from paddling my butt around the lake all day, so he slept through it. I liked it a lot, even though it was quite sad. I especially loved the scenes of them on the boardwalk and inside the abandoned Convention Center in Asbury Park, NJ, which is where my favorite Grandmother lived for years. My sister and I would go visit her in the summer, and those are some of my fondest childhood memories. The gorgeous ocean, the mini golf, the merry-go-round (my dad was tall enough to catch the brass ring for a free ride), the giant lollipop I'd get even though it cut my tongue up... GOOD EFFING TIMES!

Later on, we took the kids out (in their pjs) for ice cream, picked up some dinner, and came home in time to watch a damn fine episode of True Blood. HELLO - Eric and Sookie hookin-up! Yeah, baby. It's about time... you know I'm Team Eric, all the way.
Funny story - in the car on the ride home, the kids were a little sugared-up and a lot noisy. D started doing something that ordinarilly would make me absolutely insane with annoyance, but I was all mellow and full of 'scream so I went with it. D started yelling, pretty loudly, just like this:

Then M joined in.

Jim and I were looking at each other, and it was just so crazy and loud that I realized I couldn't beat them (but I wanted to), so I joined them.
Then Jim joined in.
Until we were all laughing. If I didn't laugh, I'd kill them, because I'm an amazing mother.
The End.
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