So, thanks for bearing with me. I will now resume my regularly scheduled goofiness.
Obviously, I'm feeling a little more "bevtastic" today. Yesterday I went home and sat on my deck and listened to the birds chirping and the wind in the trees. My back yard is a very pleasant place to sit in the summertime, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it this summer. Then I talked to my sister for a good hour, and that definitely cheered me up. Sometimes nobody gets you like a sibling does; in fact, Debbie told me that she saw this bad mood risin' on my blog for the past couple of posts. Whaaaa? Yeah, she's THAT good at interpreting my tone, apparently. Wow!
We had a great dinner on our deck: steak tips, corn on the cob, green beans, and a honkin' glass of wine for Mama. My mood rose considerably as I watched my boys run around in the backyard, and then it rose even more when we put the little buggers to bed (heh). Jim was watching a TV show that I don't care for, so I plugged into my laptop and downloaded some new tunes.

I also found some tunes from a band I'd never heard of before called Vampire Weekend. I recognized one song, "A-Punk," from the radio, so I picked up a few of their tunes too. They have a kind of fun, easy-going indie meets reggae thing going on. I digs it. Plus, there's a song called "Oxford Comma" that makes the English geek in me happy:
I've seen those English dramas too, they're cruel
So if there's any other way to spell the word
It's fine with me, with me
So, I was all geeked-out last night, downloading like a fiend (it's just way too easy when iTunes has your credit card info, am I right?), when I get some texts from Mala. You'll never believe this one. I'm not sure if I mentioned it here, but next Wednesday I'm going with Mala and her husband to see Paul McCartney in concert... for free. WOOT! Yeah, ya' heard me! Basically, Joe works in my office and gets some pretty sweet kick-backs from mutual fund salespeople, just like my boss does. Last summer, for instance, Joe scored us 4 tickets to see Neil Diamond at Fenway, and we had a double date of epic proportions. Sure, we missed the first two songs because we stayed at the restaurant drinking vino and laughing for too long, but it was all good... because it was FREE!
This time Joe could only get 3 tickets, so I have to be the sales rep's "date" for the night, but whatev. We're still hoping he bails at the last minute like he did last year so Jim can come instead. Anywho, Mala texts me last night to tell me that MGMT is opening for Sir Paul!!!
"You've got to be fucking with me!" I responded.
"Not fucking with you!" She said.
"FUCK YEAH!" I said. So I burned Joe and Mala a cd so they know what MGMT sounds like, and this time I am not going to dawdle at the restaurant because I want to see the opening act.
Clearly, I need to STFU, because my life rocks sometimes. Feel free to remind me of this fact next time I get my panties in a bunch, k?