What a weekend! Yes, we had fun. Yes, I am exhausted. Yes, I am back at work today. Ugh.
I won't bore you with every nitty-gritty detail, and since we took our usual ass-load of pictures, I'll let them tell the tale, mmkay?
Here we are, fresh-faced but poorly-rested, in my driveway before embarking on our journey. We made excellent time, btw, and hit NO traffic thanks to my mad navigating skillz. We made one 30 minute pit-stop to pick up some (ok, six) bottles of wine, but the driving time was 4.5 short hours door-door. Yay!

We arrived at our hotel and inexplicably got upgraded to a room with a better view. Our room rocked! We could see Times Square, the New Year's Eve ball, and the Chrysler Building (of course, I had to argue with Mala for a good 10 minutes over whether it was the Chrysler Bldg or the Empire State, and she STILL didn't believe me until my friend from NYC verified it later. Sheesh!)
We kicked off our weekend by opening some wine! We had ourselves a lovely time, and time flew by because before we realized it, we'd been sitting around in the hotel room for over two hours and we were late for our first celebrity meet & greet. Guess who we met for drinks?
Infamous blogger extraordinaire, PorkStar, AKA: Ball Sweat:

Yes, he's a very nice man and we had a very giggly and blurry conversation with him in the hotel bar. Wine was spilled, and for a change it wasn't ME who did the spilling. WOOT! About 30 minutes later, we remembered that we hadn't eaten since breakfast and Mala knows that you need to feed The Bev regularly or risk getting your head bitten off, so she unceremoniously stood up and blurted out, "We need to go get Bev some dinner. It was great meeting you!" And off we went into the night.

HEE! Now, let it be known... this was MY time to shine. I am not sure if I've ever seen Mala so partied out (ok, yes I have, but work with me here, people). In keeping with the theme of the weekend, I got to be the dude in our relationship again; she took my arm and I guided her through the crowded streets and found us a very nice restaurant (the name of which will become known to us when we see it on our credit card statement), AND I ROCKED IT. She doesn't remember much of the stroll, but it ended with us drinking water and eating a big plate of starch. Mmm, that's good starch. Mala made sure to document the fact that we were drinking water.
After dinner, Mala was still a little spinny, so we went back to the hotel. And stayed there. (SMACKING FOREHEAD) Yes, we were partied out and tucked into our beddy-bies by 8:30 PM. Do we know how to party or WHAT?!
We started fresh the next day and went out and had bagels in Times Square, went to the cheap ticket stand and got tickets to see a play, and then hit one of our favorite places, Madame Toussard's Wax Museum. We almost got kicked out of the one in L.A., so as soon as we saw that there was one here we were on it like white on rice! I'm not sure if you know this about us, but we are kind of silly girls. Heee.... News Flash!
WE HAD A BLAST. The pics speak for themselves, but there are so many I'll just share the truly special ones.

You get the idea. :)
We went and saw Mama Mia that afternoon. It was... okay. I like theatre, so I like watching a live production no matter what, but this one was kind of dumb. The actors were talented (aside from the lead, whom we both thought was a bit over the top) and it was a slick production, so we enjoyed it. The story was la-haaaaaame, though. After the show, we booked it back to the hotel to meet up with my old college buddy, the lovely and talented Maeghan!

We had a ball! Before we knew it, we'd managed to spend another couple of hours in our hotel room laughing with Maeghan and drinking champagne and more vino. We got pretty silly. And of course, we took pictures.

Eventually Mala's old college buddy Jason showed up with his brand new girlfriend, Bhani. We drank more wine. (SMACKING FOREHEAD) Then we took to the streets and went to a nice little Italian restuarant, where the waiter kept giving us free shit. First it was "While-you-wait-wine" on the street while they readied our table.

Then he brought us free dessert and cognac after the meal. Go figure!
After dinner Maeghan took her leave (speaking of partied OUT...ahem) and the rest of us went back to Jay's apartment and hung out for a bit on their rooftop.

Then they stuffed us into a cab and sent us back to the hotel, and we stood in Times Square at 2 AM for a bit:

Sunday was quite relaxed. We took a little tour but got bored and bailed somewhere in SoHo. They let us off to go get a greasy slice of pizza and we ditched 'em and had a lovely lunch at an outdoor French bistro instead. Ha. See ya, suckas!

The weather was gorgeous, and as usual, I couldn't ask for better company than Malomatic. It was great catching up with some old friends and making new memories. We will be back. ;-)
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