Anywho, we had a big lunch of lobster and steamers (which kind of gross me out, but I ate some anyway just to maintain my NH cred), toured the 4H barns, rode some rides, and Danny even took part in a traditional Pig Scramble even though we had to fudge his age a bit to enter him in the competition. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept of a Pig Scramble, it's basically a contest in which groups of 8 children aged 8-12 (ahem) run around in a big pen and try to catch one of the 5 pigs that are set loose. Pigs are kind of fast and hard to catch, and it's funny watching the kids dive into the grass in hot pursuit of the squeeling piggies. Now, once they catch a pig, they are required to take it HOME and raise it for a year, then the rules state that the pig must be *gulp* eaten.
Needless to say, we did not want Danny to actually catch a pig for a number of reasons, the largest reason being that we live in a suburban neighborhood and I do not want a pig sty in my back yard, thankyouverymuch. So, we were relieved when he didn't make much of an effort and simply ran around in the mass of children and laughed. PHEW!
The Silence of the Lambs? ----->
Mala couldn't join us, but her husband and kids came along for the ride. In keeping with our tradition, I have no pictures of her son. It seems that we only photograph 3 out of the 4 children at any given outing.
Jill and her youngest daughter were with us too, but you'll have to take my word for that since I have no pics of them either.
After we were all tired and stinky and high on lemonade and cotton candy, we parted ways with Mala's fam and went back to our house with Jill & her kiddo for a little Mexican feast. I made chicken fajitas, tacos, and quesadillas for the kids (which they didn't eat, because children kind of suck that way. What? It's true). Jill played bartender and made us Mango Margaritas. They were goooooooood.
I saved one for you:
You're welcome.
After the kids went to bed I got a hankering to play some Scrabble. I love Scrabble. Jim and I used to play all the time, and he's a good sport because I always win. But, in his defense, it's always a close game.
I'm happy to report that I've still got my Scrabble mojo. I'm not so happy to report that margaritas make me a little less than sportsman-like from time to time, so when I placed my winning 57-point word on the board, I may have actually gloated a little. *blush* I maaaaay have even said something along the lines of, "S-s-suuuuuck it!"
Not my finest moment, to be sure.
In a moment of instant karma, I told Jim to take a picture of me and Jill so I could document my awesomeness, and when we looked at the picture we all howled with laughter... because I looked a little bit... slow. As in, Corky from Life Goes On, slow. NTTAWWT! But still. That pic won't ever see the light of day.
But these will:
Heh heh. Sore winner? Moi? Naaaaah.
Anywho. It was a fun day and night! An added bonus? We put on The Big Lebowski because Jill had never seen it before. Any night with The Dude is a good night at Casa de Bev. Funny story, and then I'll shut up: last weekend when we were spending time with Maeghan in NYC, she reminded me that Jim and I had first showed her TBL many moons ago, and when she met her now-fiance, they bonded over their mutual love for the movie! Lebowski helped bring them together, so in a way, I'm responsible for their successful coupling. Hee - what? Ok, so I let my big Scrabble victory go to my head, clearly. I will look into getting my ego deflated ASAP.
Speaking of Maeghan, she just started her own blog. She rules! Check her out.
Ok, gotta run. It's 10 AM on a Sunday and I've done nothing but clean up the dishes from last night's fiesta. I have a full day of sitting on my butt and doing nothing ahead of me. Gotta get to it!
Have a nice Sunday, my friends!
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