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Friday, April 23, 2010

OOBH Stew: Sour Apple Edition

Happy Friday! I'm leaving after work to start our vacation, so posts next week may be sporadic. I'm not sure what the wi-fi situation will be like at the place where we're staying, but I'll do my best to stay in touch.

So yesterday I picked up some booze to bring with us on the trip. I was in the supermarket, so on the way out I stopped by the media section and picked up a new book and some magazines for the train ride, too. At the check-out I saw the cashier giving me the side-eye as I loaded two cases of beer and six big bottles of wine onto the conveyer belt, so I joked, "This should get me through the weekend!" and she laughed. I explained that we were vacationing with six adults for a week, and we chatted for a few minutes.

As she scanned my book, she burst out laughing. I had purchased a memoir called "Smashed," about a woman's journey to sobriety through an alcoholic youth. I didn't even realize the irony until she pointed it out. I rule.

ANYWHOOOOOOOOO, on to the stew! It's a small batch this week, and I'm afraid it might be a trifle bitter for some reason. I think some of the ingredients had spoiled, but don't worry, it still tastes fine. So, what have we learned this week?

THIS GUY is a sex fiend.

Apparently he and his skeletal gold-digging wife both had separate lovers for most of their marriage, and Larry's mistress was his wife's sister. Ack! What happened in those girls' childhood to make them crave (or even tolerate) old man cock?

Suck it, Planet Earth!

On Thursday we celebrated Earth Day by dumping tons of crude oil into the Gulf Coast after one of our oil rigs exploded and then sank. This has to be some sort of retaliation for all these earth quakes, floods, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, wind storms, and bizarre weather, right? Take that, Mother Nature! Don't mess with us humans, yo. We will fuck you up.

(On a serious note: this story bums me out.)

Kim Kardashian sucks.

That's not how you hold a cat, you stupid bitch. Of course PETA was all over her for this picture, and rightfully so. Do us all a favor and stop putting on your pouty "sexy" face for the camera long enough to actually fire your one existing brain cell once in a while, mkay? Actually, while you're doing us favors, just go away.

Everybody's talking about how much Ke$ha sucked on SNL last weekend.

Wait, did anyone ever claim she was talented? I missed that part. I like that catchy, dance-able song Tik Tok, but then again, I like lots of things that are terrible. (See: Twilight and InStyle magazine.)

TMI Fall-Out
I have a hot double date with Elliott & his wife Lori this weekend, and thanks to yesterday's TMI story, at least one of them will be thinking about my hairless hoo-ha while we dine. Fan-friggin-tastic! It's all part of my evil plan to insert inappropriate thoughts into the heads of all of my friends, one post at a time....

**evil laughter**

And yes... I will get Elliott liquored up and take pictures, don't you worry!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

TMI Thursday: The Accidental Brazilian

As promised, I'm continuing to put the "T" in TMI here at the OOBH! This one's a doozy, and it goes out to aaaaaaaaaall the ladies.

I've mentioned that I'm leaving tomorrow for a family vacation to America's Wang, yes? I've been running around like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off this week, trying to get all of my work done and get everything purchased and ready for the trip. Yesterday was no different; I crammed some work into the morning hours and then scooted up to Concord to meet Mala for what was supposed to be a little pre-vacay pampering. By that, I mean I had to get my hooves sanded and painted and have a little wax on/wax off action.

We went to a Vietnamese nail/waxing place that we've been to many times before, and Mala has had the waxing done there but I had not. I've only been to the chi-chi American spas.

Since I've been so rushed I didn't have time to do my homework for my writing class, so instead of enjoying the vibrating chair and leg massage I was scribbling on my notepad. After the mani/pedi they whisked me out back to the broom closet torture chamber, and a tiny woman arrived shortly after and rolled up her sleeves, assessing my rolled-up pant legs and still-tacky nail polish.

Muttering in Vietnamese, she tsked over my nails and began unbuttoning my shirt before she'd even said hello. Before I knew what was happening, she had me lying down and she was leaning her full tiny bod over me, peering at my armpits. She was quick and I have to say, the underarms didn't hurt much at all! I was mentally patting myself on the back for having such a high thresh hold for pain when she went for the button of my jeans faster than a prom date.

As I mentioned earlier, I've only been to the salons for this procedure, and here in the States we maintain some sort of modesty at all times. They give you the white terry cloth wrap and a pair of little paper panties to wear, they wear rubber gloves, and they provide a soothing, aromatic environment.

Not so much here at Princess Nails. My nails were still not quite dry so she peeled off my jeans AND underwear in one swift movement, leaving me lying on the table wearing nothing but my bra. I stifled a giggle; I mean, this is absurd, already! I'm no prude but still - lying there mostly naked while a woman examined my lady bits is not something I do everyday.

She stood over me, a tongue depressor dripping with molten yellow wax poised above my crotch, and I stopped her with a wave of my hand and said, "Not all off, okay? Leave this much." I gestured with my hands, indicating which part of my muff I'd like to preserve.

"Ah yes, okay!" She said cheerfully, and I lay back as she started smearing the wax on me.


I winced, but this wasn't my first time at the rodeo so I kept silent. I'm tough. I can handle a bikini wax!


Wait a minute. That felt like a lot, and it felt like it was right across the top. I glanced down and confirmed it - she had removed everything on the right side and middle. Inside I started to panic. What if she misunderstood me? What if she gave me a Hitler 'stache? What the hell was going on down there?!

I didn't say anything because hey, you don't piss off the woman wielding hot wax, now do you? She started on the other side and I thought, well, I have to be even, so maybe it's not as bad as I thought.

It was worse. When I finally ventured another look, I realized I was heading straight into Brazilian territory whether I liked it or not, but it was far too late to go back now. However, if I'd known that she was just getting warmed up, I would have put on the brakes....

I don't think I'm being overly-dramatic when I say that the next 30 minutes or so were probably the most embarrassing and painful of my life, and I say this after having gone through cancer treatment and having two babies. This woman got ALL up in my bidness. She was literally pulling me apart and smearing wax in all the nooks & crannies, then ripping it off. Twice, I actually yelped involuntarily ("AAAHHHH, KELLY CLARKSON!") and teared up. It hurt like a mofo!

I've been having annual gyno exams since my teens and this was WAY more embarrassing. She put her face right down there and muttered in Vietnamese while she hunted down every stray follicle. She instructed me to hold my own skin taut (not unusual) and had me spread eagle.

Twice, someone tried to enter the room while I was prostrate and exposed. TWICE.

Finally she was satisfied and I was near tears. After all of that, the leg waxing felt like a walk in the park! I've never felt more relieved than when she was finished. As I swung my legs over the side of the table and started peeling the paper table cover off of my sticky self, she held up a tiny hand and indicated in her broken English that I should assume the position.

Are you fucking kidding me?!!

Yes, one final insult before she would let me leave - she had me bend over the table and hold my bum cheeks. You can imagine what happened next.

When I left I was a sticky, injured mess. As soon as I got back to where Mala was waiting I told her, wide-eyed, what horrors I had endured. She immediately took me to lunch where I had two giant alcoholic beverages, but as we ran errands that afternoon I was a bit of a wreck! The worst part was that we had our class that evening and I wasn't able to get home to slather myself with baby oil and then take a hot shower until after 9 PM.

No, actually, the worst part is that now I'm rocking the porn star/pre-adolescent look, and I am not a fan.

The moral of this story: make sure your waxer speaks ENGLISH before turning her loose on your nether regions!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kinda Wordless Wednesday

Heya, Campers! Sorry I've been a bit MIA this week. I'm swamped with work and scrambling to get stuff done before we leave for vacation on Friday. I still love yous, though, so never fear!

Since I've got zero time today I'm going to actually make Wednesday mostly wordless, for a change!

Here are some pics from my kid's bday party last weekend. Yes, we survived having 16 kids and their parental units inside my little house on a rainy day! Then, I drank heavily. In a related story, my vacuum cleaner picked a really shitty week to die....

The Birthday boy came to his own party in character. Notice the Darth Vader head behind him? That's the ill-fated pinata!

I'll wait while the neat-freaks among us finish having their panic attacks.

Another year, another Cake Wreck. This time they gave it to me with Darth & Luke face-planted in the cake. Epic!

Mala had some fun with the frosting....

The goody bags were a big hit!

It is a poorly-made pinata that breaks on the first hit!

Technical difficulties... please stand by.

Taking turns whacking the Darth head.

Which of course, made us think of this:

Success! Let the feeding frenzy begin!

Gotta run, peeps! I promise to get back to substantive posts tomorrow! :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Show me YOURS: Senior Portrait Edition

Hey all! Yup, it's Monday... you knew this was coming!

Today's the day I asked you all to bring some yearbook hilarity. To play along, just post a photo of yourself in high school (preferably your Senior portrait) on your blog and I'll put the link here on the OOBH. OR, you can send me your photo and I'll post it here, like I did for the fine folks below.

I'll be updating this post as they come in, so be sure to check back often.

Let's get this pahty stahted!

Audra told me I could steal her pic from Facebook, so I totally did.

Why, helloooooo, Breathless Mahoney. How YOU doin'?

You know Cary as the wise-ass comedian behind List Of The Day, GuySpeak, etc. Now behold his high school hotness!

Nice butt cut, my friend! You were super cute despite the unibrow.

MtnMama - once a babe, always a babe!

MtnMama is also so cool that she sent a couple groovy candid yearbook shots, too!

Onebadmamajama proves that she lived up to her name from an early age:

(I won't say anything about her bangs, because it would be mean to talk about her bangs, which are clearly fabulous.)

And last but not least... here is La Bev as a sweet & salty 17-year-old virgin girl:

You'll notice that my photo looks strikingly similar to my sister's photo. What can I say, we lived in a small town and our local photographer only had a few choice poses in his repertoire. Coincidentally, most of the girls in my class had pictures just like this one.

And as promised, here's the special bonus shot - my college year book photo:

Look at me - so young, so full of hope and optimism. What happened?!

ETA: Here come the links!

Lookin' goooooooood, Heidi Renee! Show me "pensive!" Show me "annoyed!" You nailed it!

The lovely Salt, as a blonde!! Love the piercings, girly! I would have pierced my whole face if my parents hadn't been so strict!

Carol has added her photo! Hubba hubba, hot mama!

Mala could't find her yearbook, but she found a few other gems!

Join the fun! Send me your photos or links!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

REMINDER: Fire up those scanners!

You know I never post on Sundays because I'm so religious I'm a lazy-ass, but today I'm making an exception so that I can remind you all to get me those Senior portraits!!


Bonus points for posing with your pussy:

C'mon, you know you wanna play. :)

See ya' tomorrow!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Noggin Nuggets

'Sup, peeps?

Sorry I didn't regale you with TMI goodness yesterday. My boss was riding me like Secretariat and I couldn't get a free minute to do my usual blog stalking and writing. BOO! The nerve of him, expecting me to actually earn my paycheck!

Anywhooooooo. I'm not doing your typical OOBH Stew today either because I just didn't stumble across anything too wild & crazy online this week, so I'll give you a random sampling from inside my noggin instead.

It's a 4 piece Noggin Nuggets meal deal, which is way more healthy than a KFC Double Cardiac Arrest! They're crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, just like yours truly.

Nugget One: April (snow) Showers bring May Flowers!

Woke up to this today:

Screw you, Mother Nature. Because of you I had to spend my morning explaining to my 2 year-old that it is not "Cwissmas!"

Nugget Two: Facebook n00bs make me laugh.

I have a cousin who we have always suspected is gay, but my family has a strict "don't ask/don't tell" policy. Not that we'd care, because it doesn't matter to us and it wouldn't change the fact that he's never been a particularly nice guy.

This week he joined Facebook and inadvertantly eliminated all doubt about his sexual preference. You know how people who are new to the 'book tend to blunder around like bulls in a china shop for a while until they figure stuff out? They post long personal messages on people's walls, address individuals in their status updates instead of writing on walls, and spam their friends with drink requests and the like? We've all seen Lame Book, we know how funny it can be!

Well my cuz posted a long-winded response to an old friend who had written on his wall. In it, he talked about hook-ups he'd arranged through a gay dating site (jackpot!), told the world that he's 45 and still lives with his mom, and admitted to dying his hair... right down to the Clairol shade.

It was... pretty awesome. Welcome to Facebook! Aren't you glad you befriended great Aunt Mildred? Oh, and let me be the first to say, "HA HA." :)

Side note: When my youngest sees Nelson on TV he immediately breaks out into a series of hilarious "HA HA's!" Cracks us up every time!

Nugget Three: Be afraid, be very afraid!

Tomorrow morning 16 screaming children will descend upon my home to eat cake, beat on a pinata, and generally sully my home with their grimy kid fingers. Little angels.

Yes, it's my son's annual birthday bash and this year I'm even less prepared for the melee than usual. I'd go hide & let them go all Lord of the Flies if it were socially acceptable, but I know that's frowned-upon. To make matters worse, this will be the first year that we haven't had a beautiful Spring day, so all the muddy little feet will be INSIDE instead of out in the backyard. FML.

Pray for me!

Nugget Four: I'm in the Phythics Club

Mala and I started a creative writing class this week at a local community college, and the first class was hysterical. Not the content so much, but the other students. Makes you realize that Joel McHale's show Community is pretty much right on target!

There were only six of us, but you couldn't get a more diverse group if you had gone to central casting and asked for a Breakfast Club special. Mala & I were definitely the Molly Ringwalds of the group, minus the prissiness and the virginity, obv.

We had:

The hippie girl with filthy-looking dreadlocks and a horrid neck tattoo and crusty lip ring. She spoke with a lisp and kept pulling jars of gritty mung from her bag and spooning it into her mouth periodically during class.

The unkempt Indian woman wearing layer upon layer of what looked like rags, with this wild hair that obscured her face. She immediately surprised the shit out of us by telling us that she's a practicing doctor at a local hospital. Huh - a reminder never to judge on appearances, clearly!

A 70-something guy with the world's most fantastic white hair. He drives a school bus in the worst part of Manchester and wants to write a book about it. Frankly, I'd read it!

A very nervous guy who uses air quotes WAY too often and seems to have some pretty glaring self-esteem issues.

and us.

I think I'm gonna like this class, yo! Excellent people-watching, if nothing else.

That's all I've got! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

P.S. Don't forget to scan those yearbook photos this weekend!! Monday it's SHOW ME YOURS day!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: WTF Edition

Why? Because I have no good cell phone pics to share, that's why.

1. From the "Fashion Designers Who Hate Women" file:

Photo courtesy of Yahoo/Getty Images.

"Oh Princess fair, wouldst thou grant me thine dainty hoof in marriage?" ~ Troy McLure

First of all, these things are a foot high. 12 freaking inches! Secondly, they're fugly, right? Sure, they look like the ones Lady Gaga wears in the Bad Romance video, but who says we want to wear the crazy shit that Gaga wears? Not even me, and I think she's fabulous.

2. "Plastics, Benjamin."

One time my kid put a sippy cup in the oven when I wasn't looking. When I later turned it on to preheat, the smell of burning plastic filled my house and was impossible to get out despite all the Febreeze and window-opening in the land.

That is the smell that my brain inserts into my awareness whenever I see these pics of Heidi Montag sucking in her stomach for all she's worth on the beach recently.

Doesn't she look like she's in pain? "Owwwwww. My skin's all stretched and hurty! My eyebrows are too blond! I can't move my face! I have Barbie hair!"

Side, note, as a kid I loved to take my Barbies into the bath with me, but whenever I'd wash their long, luxurious blond hair it would get permanently fucked up.

So there's that.

3. My arteries feel soft & supple. Must do something about that immediately!

KFC debuted their new "Double Down" Sandwich this week. It's a bacon and cheese sandwich, but instead of bread it's wedged between two slabs of fried chicken. Uh huh. Because at some point, you just give up, clearly. Our friend Salt recently posted about a chicken and waffles experiment that turned out to be heaven on a plate, so I suppose I shouldn't knock it till I try it.

However, since I'm already struggling not to look like this at the beach on my upcoming vacay:

I think I'll give the Double Down a pass.

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Show me YOURS!

I know I promised a new game of Show Me Yours last week, but... well, last week just got away from me and I didn't get around to it! So we'll do it this week, mkay?

The last time we played was waaaaay back in 2009, when I asked you all to show me your workspaces/desks/computing locations. We had fun peeking into our fellow FOOBH's homes, didn't we? I know I enjoyed putting on my stalking hat and eyeballing your special areas. **eyebrow wiggle**

This time might require a tad* more effort, but what's a little effort between friends? This week's Show Me Yours is...

Your Senior Portrait!


That's right. I'm asking you to unearth your high school senior portrait and scan that bad boy in for us to make fun of admire. If you don't have a scanner, take a picture of a picture for us. If you don't have a photo, how's that GED working out for you?

(Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Next Monday 4/19, post your photo on your blog and let me know so I can include you in a list of links here on the OOBH. If you don't have a blog or don't want to post it there, just email it to me and I'll post it for you here.

It's just that simple! To prove that I do put my money where my mouth is, I will not only post my own sucktacular photo but those of my entire immediate family.

Are ya ready, kids?

I can't hear you!

Okay, settle down.

This is my babelicious mother in 1964:

You know how the Olson twins are rumored to say "prune" when having their photograph taken so that their lips look all puffy and pursed just-so? I think my mom invented that trick.

My handsome father, circa 1957:

My sessy sistah in 1986:

(Forgive the 'do and the pink pearls, ok? It was the 80's!)

And of course, La Bev. Take your pick:

Ha ha! Okay, okay. Those aren't really my Senior pics, but you'll have to wait till next week for that one. :) Since you're such patient little puppies I'll also include my college yearbook photo. No extra charge.

Okay, your turn! Fire up those scanners and buh-ring it! It's rare that I assign homework, so please don't leave me hanging!

Next Monday. You. Me. All of us.

Doing it, it, IT! Well, sorta.

* In space terms that's about a half a million miles.

Monday, April 12, 2010

You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry.

Good Monday morning!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and as usual I'm tired as hell and hating my crap job. In other words, not much is new.

Groovy weekend, though! On Saturday night we went to the House of Blues in Boston to see a Led Zeppelin cover band called Get The Led Out. The Malas had seen them before and loved them, and as always our friends did not steer us wrong. Within five minutes of watching them we all agreed that:

1. they rock really, really hard, and
2. we're totally seeing them when they come to Hampton Beach in June. Yes, we're officially GTLO groupies, or Band-Aids, or whatever the heck you wanna call it.

Check out the devil eyes that I'm too lazy to fix! "Don't mess with the Devils! The Devils!!!" ~ David Puddy

It was a fun, fun night - we all get along so well and I really like our new friends M&E. I daresay that despite the fact that she's about as big as a minute, M can even keep up with La Bev & Mala when it comes to cocktails! She's one of us... it's official.

Her husband E and my husband are also having quite the bromance, which inspired us to re-watch the movie, I Love You, Man last night. We'd only seen it once and forgot how funny it is! It's a cute movie and a definite must for Rush fans. So many good lines - after the first viewing we left saying, "Slappin' da bass," but after last night I woke up giggling about "Totes, McGotes."

Anywhooooo. Not much else to report. I'll leave you with this little funny, since I do love to leave ya' laughing if at all possible. The advertising people at Snickers are really hitting 'em out of the park lately, and since it's a well-known (and documented) fact that I get a little... um, cranky when I'm hungry... this commercial really spoke to me!

But you all know that if I'm going to turn into (more of) a diva, I'm gonna be GAGA.

Later, taters!