Sorry I didn't regale you with TMI goodness yesterday. My boss was riding me like Secretariat and I couldn't get a free minute to do my usual blog stalking and writing. BOO! The nerve of him, expecting me to actually earn my paycheck!
Anywhooooooo. I'm not doing your typical OOBH Stew today either because I just didn't stumble across anything too wild & crazy online this week, so I'll give you a random sampling from inside my noggin instead.
It's a 4 piece Noggin Nuggets meal deal, which is way more healthy than a KFC Double Cardiac Arrest! They're crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, just like yours truly.
Nugget One: April (snow) Showers bring May Flowers!
Woke up to this today:

Screw you, Mother Nature. Because of you I had to spend my morning explaining to my 2 year-old that it is not "Cwissmas!"
Nugget Two: Facebook n00bs make me laugh.
I have a cousin who we have always suspected is gay, but my family has a strict "don't ask/don't tell" policy. Not that we'd care, because it doesn't matter to us and it wouldn't change the fact that he's never been a particularly nice guy.

This week he joined Facebook and inadvertantly eliminated all doubt about his sexual preference. You know how people who are new to the 'book tend to blunder around like bulls in a china shop for a while until they figure stuff out? They post long personal messages on people's walls, address individuals in their status updates instead of writing on walls, and spam their friends with drink requests and the like? We've all seen Lame Book, we know how funny it can be!
Well my cuz posted a long-winded response to an old friend who had written on his wall. In it, he talked about hook-ups he'd arranged through a gay dating site (jackpot!), told the world that he's 45 and still lives with his mom, and admitted to dying his hair... right down to the Clairol shade.

Side note: When my youngest sees Nelson on TV he immediately breaks out into a series of hilarious "HA HA's!" Cracks us up every time!
Nugget Three: Be afraid, be very afraid!
Tomorrow morning 16 screaming children will descend upon my home to eat cake, beat on a pinata, and generally sully my home with their grimy kid fingers. Little angels.

Pray for me!
Nugget Four: I'm in the Phythics Club
Mala and I started a creative writing class this week at a local community college, and the first class was hysterical. Not the content so much, but the other students. Makes you realize that Joel McHale's show Community is pretty much right on target!
There were only six of us, but you couldn't get a more diverse group if you had gone to central casting and asked for a Breakfast Club special. Mala & I were definitely the Molly Ringwalds of the group, minus the prissiness and the virginity, obv.

We had:
The hippie girl with filthy-looking dreadlocks and a horrid neck tattoo and crusty lip ring. She spoke with a lisp and kept pulling jars of gritty mung from her bag and spooning it into her mouth periodically during class.
The unkempt Indian woman wearing layer upon layer of what looked like rags, with this wild hair that obscured her face. She immediately surprised the shit out of us by telling us that she's a practicing doctor at a local hospital. Huh - a reminder never to judge on appearances, clearly!
A 70-something guy with the world's most fantastic white hair. He drives a school bus in the worst part of Manchester and wants to write a book about it. Frankly, I'd read it!
A very nervous guy who uses air quotes WAY too often and seems to have some pretty glaring self-esteem issues.
and us.
I think I'm gonna like this class, yo! Excellent people-watching, if nothing else.
That's all I've got! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
P.S. Don't forget to scan those yearbook photos this weekend!! Monday it's SHOW ME YOURS day!!
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