Today's the day I asked you all to bring some yearbook hilarity. To play along, just post a photo of yourself in high school (preferably your Senior portrait) on your blog and I'll put the link here on the OOBH. OR, you can send me your photo and I'll post it here, like I did for the fine folks below.
I'll be updating this post as they come in, so be sure to check back often.
Let's get this pahty stahted!
Audra told me I could steal her pic from Facebook, so I totally did.

Why, helloooooo, Breathless Mahoney. How YOU doin'?
You know Cary as the wise-ass comedian behind List Of The Day, GuySpeak, etc. Now behold his high school hotness!

Nice butt cut, my friend! You were super cute despite the unibrow.
MtnMama - once a babe, always a babe!

MtnMama is also so cool that she sent a couple groovy candid yearbook shots, too!

Onebadmamajama proves that she lived up to her name from an early age:

(I won't say anything about her bangs, because it would be mean to talk about her bangs, which are clearly fabulous.)
And last but not least... here is La Bev as a sweet & salty 17-year-old

And as promised, here's the special bonus shot - my college year book photo:

Look at me - so young, so full of hope and optimism. What happened?!
ETA: Here come the links!
Lookin' goooooooood, Heidi Renee! Show me "pensive!" Show me "annoyed!" You nailed it!
The lovely Salt, as a blonde!! Love the piercings, girly! I would have pierced my whole face if my parents hadn't been so strict!
Carol has added her photo! Hubba hubba, hot mama!
Mala could't find her yearbook, but she found a few other gems!
Join the fun! Send me your photos or links!!
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