Simple, soothing, aromatic peppermint tea. Aaaahhhhh... feels so good on my throat, smells so yummy, and hopefully will make my stubborn left vocal cord feel like singing again! Eventually.
Tik Tok by Ke$ha.
I tried to ignore this song. I really, really tried. I didn't want to like it, and I honestly don't have room in my life for yet another blonde pop star with overly auto-tuned vocal tracks. But this song... dudes, I just don't know. It must contain crack cocaine, pure & simple. The first time I heard it I thought, "Ugh, this sucks. Go away, Ke$ha!" Then I heard it again and started to do the old head bob, then a little shoulder shimmy made an appearance. Next thing you know, I've downloaded it and am full-out car-dancing and making a fool of myself at stoplights. Oh, the shame!
Now, like all good addicts, I want to get you hooked on it too. Try it - you'll like it!
That girl is a hot mess but damn if I don't find her adorable. Crap! It's just a great party/dance tune, what can I say? I can see myself grooving to it in Laurie's convertible! I can see myself peeling Malomatic up off the dance floor after she decides to examine the club's carpeting up close!
In related news, GAWD, I need a night out!
Leap Year

It was a-freaking-dorable. I loved it, and not just because Amy is cute as a button and the male lead is handsome and has a fantastic accent, though none of that hurts. It was just a sweet little movie - no big surprises, but the way my life has been lately, I don't want surprises! I want nice, and this movie was just that: nice. I likey.
This Old Spice commercial:
I'm sure it debuted during the Super Bowl, but I don't watch that shizz so I hadn't seen it till the other day. Holy crap, we laughed so hard! I actually rewound and played it back, something I never do with commercials. I just love it! Nice job, Old Spice. Hilar!
So there 'tis. Stuff I dig right this very minute. Hope you dig it too!
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