Has someone ever copied your status and gotten kudos from their friends for how funny it is, but they never admit that they stole it from you word for word?

It doesn't really bother me, don't get me wrong. It's not like I'm copyrighting my status reports, for goodness sake. I just think it's strange.
People are so odd.
Ever get copied on a never-ending message?
I was invited to a party several weeks ago. It seems the quirky (read: crazy) weather man at my last TV station was finally let go after the station changed hands several times and they're now focusing less on live news and more on, I dunno, Spanish-speaking cock fighting game shows or something. I don't know, I don't watch that crap now that they don't pay me to create it anymore. Anywho, a bunch of ex-cow-orkers were planning a party for Al and started a Facebook message to discuss the details of the event. There were about 20 people on the message list, including yours truly.

I decided early on in the planning process that I wasn't gonna go. My trusty sidekick was going to be out of town and I had my surgery to get through, plus it seemed like everyone who was going were Newsies and I was more of a Production Goddess.
Yet I kept getting the emails. Every. single. day.
Soon the messages deteriorated into "witty" banter about how drunk everyone was going to get, funny things Al might say, and "hilarious" reminiscences of the station's hay day. At this point, I just went ahead and deleted them without reading as soon as I logged into FB, but still - the multiple email notifications per day as well as the constant "housekeeping" on Facebook was reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaally getting on my nerves.
I'm a teensy bit OCD about FB, you see - I cannot have tons of unanswered messages or notifications glaring at me. I must get rid of the little red numbers before I can peruse people's status reports and leave my inappropriate and subtly pervy comments!

The event came and went, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Now, maybe I could get some peace from these incessant notifications about an event which I had no intention of attending.
Then the idiots went and STARTED A NEW GODDAMNED THREAD to rehash their fun night and start planning another one... in motherfucking MAY!
fkjas;fkjadsf;iae sdfasdjkfasdf; jasdfk;sdja;fijsd;fkasdj f;kdafj asdk;fjas;ifj;iadjrtio;werv!

So, lemme get this straight - I'm supposed to put up with 5-10 email notifications per day about a party I declined an invite to, and now about a party that I probably won't go to either... for the next 3 months?! Fuckin' A, dood. Stick a fork in me, 'cuz I'm done!
Okay, enough of me bitching. It's a beautiful sunny Wednesday, and I'm going to pretend that I didn't cry into Dr. Duk Dong's white coat this morning when he told me he wanted to fry me again and I told him where he could cram his radioactive iodine. The appt was a bummer and a total waste of good mascara, but the day is young and my good spirits will prevail, damn it.
Because they must.
Have a happy Hump Day, Humpy McGees!
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