What does everyone have planned to usher in the new year this evening? We're having a little party here at our house, as we have done every NYE for about 6 years now. It's just nicer than braving the cold and the crowds in town, and we always have a great time with our friends and their children in the comfort of our home. Also, no driving - yay!
This year we've got three other families coming over and we're doing a Pajama Party theme. Basically, the girls and I just decided that we didn't want to dress up and we didn't want to wear anything that does not have an elastic waistband, so pj's were the logical choice! I've selected some oh-so-sexy duds that have frogs and peace signs on them, and I can't wait to rock them with my new red hair.

In other news, yesterday Mala, her daughter (who is also sporting some killer pink highlights, btw) and I had a nice lunch at The Ichiban Japanese hibachi, one of Mala's favorite restaurants, which she lovingly refers to as the "Itchy Bum." We were feeling very multi-cultural apparently, because after that we went and got our nails done one of Concord's many Vietnamese-run salons and got called "Baby" while the teeny little women talked about us in their language and filed all of the nails on my left hand crooked.

One of the fish was clearly dying, and the other was going all Finding Nemo on us by nudging his friend and hovering by his side. It was very depressing, even though we'd just eaten at a sushi restaurant so we're obviously not huge fish-rights people.
Anywhooooo. I hope you all have a lovely evening and don't have to witness any dying fish! Tomorrow I'll post some pics of our night of debauchery. I dug out some old pics of Mala and me ringing in the year 2000, so we'll have fun comparing then versus now. I'm sure we can all agree that not much has changed in the past 10 years except for a few minor developments like getting married, having children, buying homes, etc. You know, little stuff. ;)
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