Let's see. Quick recap: Thanksgiving was nice, and quiet. I made a shit-ton of food, going through about a pound of butter in the process. My family agreed that I outdid myself; everything came out perfectly, even the gravy, which tends to be my nemesis at holiday meals. Other than eat, we mostly spent the day playing Rock Band 2 and drinking. It rocked. At the end of the day Danny proclaimed it the BEST DAY EVER, but that might've just been the beer talkin'. Ha ha - I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Don't call the cops on us.

Saturday night we wriggled under the dangling power line on our street fled to Mala's house, where two teeny tiny teenagers took charge of our children (and by that I mean, let the kids run wild while they watched TV) so we could go out. I was so ready to get out by then, lemme tell you. M has gone from angel child to devil spawn over the past week or so; the Terrible Twos have struck with a vengeance. He's been sleeping poorly, refusing to nap, throwing tantrums, and tossing just about every morsel of food you give him onto the floor while saying, "I make mess!" So yeah, some adult conversation in a non-chain restaurant with actual linens on the table was just what the doctor ordered!

Being the good friend that I am, I went over to help her up and the goofball tried to pull me down too! WTF? I'm a pretty sturdy chick so I managed to convince her that lying on the sticky carpet of a karaoke bar was not advisable and get her back up on her feet, but really that was the beginning of the end. As the following pictures show, I was in full-on "Crazy Eyes" mode, and Jim had just sung some Ozzy so he was feelin' it as well. I texted this picture to my BIL who is a Psychiatry resident in Philly and he wrote back and said he loved us, but we're crazy. I asked if that was his professional opinion & he had no further comment.

Believe it or not, these are Joe's crazy eyes. He's a wild one, that guy.

That night we went back to their place and they put us up in their comfy guest room because why rush home when we STILL HAD NO POWER? Best part? The next morning Mala made us pancakes & bacon, and when we got home we found electricity and order restored once more. I love a happy ending.
So now I'm back at my crap job and hating every second of it, and this week will be a doozy. I'm overtired (my own fault - staying up too late, getting up too early) and over-stretched this week. HOWEVER....

Oh, and she just sent me a picture of a crazy outfit she's getting for me to wear tomorrow night. How cool is that?!
The not-so-awesome: I need to have a little medical thingy (don't ask) on Thursday that involves a very long needle... in my neck... and no good pain meds after! UGH. Not looking forward to that part of the week. No sir. But I am choosing to forget about that and focus instead on seeing my current favorite performer tomorrow night instead.
Ok, enough is enough. I've been working on this post for entirely too long in between actually doing my, ya know, JOB. I need to figure out a way to get paid for blogging. Where are we with that?