Yeah baby, it's the Oktoberfest (in November) post!
How are all my peeps this morning? I'm good, thanks for asking. I finally caught up in some sleep last night so I'm feeling a bit more bevtastic than yesterday despite the fact that I woke up to no fewer than 14 SPAM COMMENTS on the OOBH. What the frick?! I make you all do those pesky google word verifications to keep the spam at bay, yet somehow Outdoor Wedding Venues has invited some buddies to the comment party anyway. WHY?! How do I make it stop?! Anyone? *sigh* Btw, OWV, if you are indeed a human and not some sort of "bot," I apologize.
Anyway, on to the pics from last Sunday's fun-fest. First off, it was a beautiful fall day, and the weather was actually quite warm for November. The event is held at a little ski hill that is 10 minutes from my house. Lovely!

I'm never one to shy away from a big sausage, so lunch of Brats, sauerkraut, sweet onions and delicious, delicious BEER was right up my alley.

The kids had a blast, got their faces painted, jumped in the bounce house, watched the keg tossing, and danced to the awesome authentic German oompa band. It's impossible not to be happy under these circumstances, am I right? And yeah, my kid wore his Darth Vader costume all day, and I allowed it. Meh. Choose your battles, I say.

Balloon swords -- they're supposed to look like erect penises, correct?

I took this one for Mtn Mama, who loves clowns.

Funny story. I was in line for the face painting with D for an eternity, so I was chatting with another dad in line while we waited. He was a nice guy, and kind of a 50-something hottie. He told me at one point that he has two college-age children and (whoops!) an 8 year old, so that explained the gray hair, but he was hip and we were yukking it up a bit. At one point his friend approached him from behind at the same time that my youngest son came running up to us. I gave M a cheery, "Hi baby!" and the guy's friend thought I was talking to him! HAHAHAHAHA! He looked taken-aback and said, "Hi," back to me before the guy I was talking to burst out laughing and started ribbing him. "You thought she was flirting with you, didn't you! HA HA HA!"
Good times. I love inadvertantly embarrassing strange men. Later, my husband wandered up to us looking like this:

When my new friend asked how many kids I have, I answered "three" without thinking twice, and he laughed his ass off when he realized I was referring to the giant toddler in the Eagles jersey with spilled beer all down his front. My husband is klassy!

Our friends Jill & Ric and their girls were there and made it all the more entertaining! Poor little E was a tired cookie all day, though. Check out the dazed look on her face!

And yeah. My kid is intense. 'Nuff said.

As we left, the sky was just gorgeous.

And you know how much I dig the moon. It was almost full, which always gives me chills.

The ride home was kind of a blur.

Last but not least, your moment of Zen for the day:

Oktoberfest rocks! Can't wait for next year. ;)
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