Yes, today is ma' b-day. I've always liked my actual birth date because it's right smack dab in the middle of the summer, and since I was born in 1975 (don't cry, older readers... you are still ridiculously cool and hip), my birth date has all kinds of 7's and 5's, which I dig. Why? IDK. I just do.
Today I'm heading out early to have some girly time with the Hot TaMala. We're going shopping for some fetch new duds for the BFE this weekend, then lunch will be prepared for us (instead of us smearing pb&j on wheat for our ungrateful offspring like most days), and then of course, there is wine to be consumed and mani/pedi-"only for you, baby!"- pink fizzy drinks in vibrating chairs to enjoy.
So, it's a full day. Which is why I actually wrote this post yesterday and scheduled it to post today. Because I am clever like that. Like a FOX, I tell you.
Ok, Birthday stuff. Three questions. I'll share, you share, ok?
1. Who shares your b-day?
My cousin Michael:

Seen here sporting serious (no-talent assclown) Michael Bolton hair (that's a perm -- I'm serious) AND a string-tie, at some family gathering in the 80's. He's exactly 10 years older than I am. We don't talk, which is a shame, because I have a feeling we'd totally get along. He recently requested my friendship on FB and then went underground, so now I suspect he's just reading my stuff and not contributing his own -- which. I. HATE.
My cyber buddy Lisa:

I'm no stranger to making friends online. I've been fortunate enough to meet lots of them over the years, and it's always nice to find that you get along as well IRL as you do online. Lisa is a kindred spirit who lives waaaaaaay out in North Dakota, so I haven't had a chance to meet her yet. We were born on the same day/year, have kids the same ages, have many lifestyle similarities, and share many, many, many Cancer the Crab quirky qualities. I look forward to someday hanging with her live & in person. For her part, she knows that when that day comes, I might be so excited that I hump her leg a little bit, and she's okay with that. See? Told you she was cool.
2. Most memorable b-day(s):
When I was 12 I spent the day riding my bike with a friend. It was beautiful and sunny, and even as a kid I recognized that this was the kind of day that one needs to stop and be grateful for. I remember riding down a dirt road, grinning wildly, eyes streaming, sun on my face, wind in my hair (this was before we wore helmets for everything, so gimme a break). I was euphoric! Then, I spun out on a corner and landed in a pile of dog shit.
That was the exact moment when I realized that life was going to be a wild ride punctuated with moments of intense emotion and the occasional pile of shit.

Second most memorable? My 20th birthday, in which we had a giant party in a tiny apartment. Fireman Sam would not be happy about this one, because we had people crammed in shoulder-shoulder. There was a GD band set up in the corner of our living room, which was roughly the size and shape of a shoebox. I was in my element; life o' the party. I enjoyed myself, and I enjoyed a few others, too. It rocked... right up until the cops came and my drunk-ass roommates sent me out to talk to them. Then, it rocked again when I sweet talked 'em into leaving us alone.
"Yes, ociffers. I am presently both drunk AND high... but it's my birfday! So what if I'm only turning TWENTY and not TWENTY-ONE? Details, details."
To this day, I still have no clue what I said to them to make them leave.
3. Favorite b-day & why:
This one. I'm an optimist, and hope springs eternal. My 33rd year ended with a wimper and a couple of sucker punches (yes, I'm talking about Michael Jackson), so I'm ready to start fresh. Thirty-four is going to be the year of the MILF!

Gotta go... there's ice cream cake in the freezer! ICE CREAM CAKE!
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