I just realized while talking to my boss that is impossible for me to say the word "type" without holding my hands out in front of me on an imaginary keyboard and wiggling my fingers in a typing motion.

I described a shirt I was trying on yesterday as "Mrs. Roper chic," and then I bought it anyway.
Mala wants me to pick my new ringtone for her cell phone, and I can't for the life of me think of what my "signature song" will be. Previously she used Weezer's Say It Ain't So, but only because we like Weezer, not because it was specific to ME. I was toying with the idea of making it Jet's Cold Hard Bitch, but I'm really not; I'm actually kind of a softie, to be honest.... Hmmm. Suggestions are welcome!
Speaking of ringtones, I changed my husband's the other day. Now, when my lovable space cadet calls me, I hear, "This is Major Tom to Ground Control...." Heeee.

I got an awesome surprise b-day gift today in the form of a new Lebowski bobblehead of my fave character, Maude! She is now perched on my desk right next to The Dude in his bedroom slippers, thereby completing my desk's "I'm still cool even though I work in this stuffy financial office" theme. Today's subtitle is courtesy of Maude, who has some damn good lines in that movie.
I really want to go see the new Harry Potter movie. Don't hate - I love HP. I know, I know - NERD ALERT! Whatev, STFU. :)
The new perfume I got yesterday smells amazing, but comes in an ugly bottle. Annoying.
Finally, here are a couple of cell phone pics to be the cherry on the crap sundae that is this post.
Lunch yesterday, which we had to ingest so quickly (b/c we were running late to pick up Mala's kidlets) that I actually got a little tummy ache. It's okay, though - it was nothing a glass of white wine couldn't fix.

and last but not least, me and my BFF sitting in the car, stuck in an inexplicable rubber-necker-traffic jam on I93:

What's funny about this picture (aside from my red eye from the aforementioned glitter issue) is that I'm actually tan (for me) right now, but I still look like Casper's ugly kid sister next to my bronzed-goddess buddy Malomatic. Awesome.
Better go get some work done. Later, taters (heh heh)!
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