1. The desire to have "Rock Star Hair" is contagious. Mala texted me this AM begging for direction in that department, which I felt wholly unqualified to offer her. I mean, I'm no hair genius, I just have a good hairdresser I've been
So, I told Mala to go all J-Lo up in here. For real - she can pull off the JLo 'do. She's got a tan, and the same thick hair that can be either straight or curly (bitch), and I just think she can totally work the caramel highlights.

Right? So, it may not be Rock Star hair, but it's certainly Pop Star/Diva hair. She's going in on Monday; and yes, I've already started pressuring her to post "after" pics on her blog.
2. Courtney, PorkStar, Samsmama, and Stacie are incorrigible. Somehow this week I managed to earn the nickname "Muffin Sweat." Don't ask me how. I can assure you that my muffin is most certainly NOT sweaty! In fact, that is one of the main reasons that I studiously avoid exercise; who wants a sweaty muff? Not I.
3. Samsmama's "tater" smells like "freshly-baked apricot muffins".
4. My hilarious Facebook comments are not everybody's cup o' tea. Thankfully, approx. 185 other people still enjoy them, so I have decided not to change a thing. Huzzah!
5. I did not need a crown to get my toof fixed. YAY! My dentist drilled it and filled it and now I can go back to pretending that the Friendly-Fire Tackle of '09 never happened.
6. Sleeping is awesome, and I am hooked. Now that I've had a taste of what being "well-rested" feels like, I want it all the time. I'm addicted.
7. Sunshine on my shoulders really does make me happy.
8. I talk on the phone a lot more than I thought I did. I just had to upgrade my cell plan AGAIN. Now, instead of splitting 700 minutes/month with my (also chatty) husband, we need to split 1400. Wow. When did THAT happen?
That's all I got. I was aiming for 10, but apparently I didn't learn 10 things this week after all.
Btw, this is my 198th post, and my 1 year Blogaversary is right around the corner. I am hoping to do something fun for the Big 200, unless I get lazy, which is always a distinct possibility. I'll keep you posted.
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