Wyoming: What are ya, too busy sexing up the cowboys to come read my blog? What's the dealio?! It's big sky country, I get that... but surely you have the internet there?
Vermont: My home state! I thought, of all states, you people would support me. BOOOO! On second thought, this is probably a good thing....
Maine: Well, I don't like you either. So there.
Rhode Island: That's a state?

Delaware: Hey. I'm in Delaware.
Of course, most of the visitors only came by once, but that's cool. I'm not everybody's cup o' tea, and that's fine by me. Besides, the readers/followers I do have are very loyal and VERY funny, so I'll take it. Yeah, I'm talkin' about YOU, so get yer finger out of your nose and look alive!
Now, since so many bloggers do this and I always think it's fun, I will share some of the Google search terms that brought people here. I must say, mine aren't that good compared to, say, Mala's or Matteroffactmommy's. Most people actually search for me specifically, so I got over 50 people Googling "Out of Bev's head." Hey man, that's cool. Ask for me by name! Nine out of ten doctors do. ;)
The other searches are good for a chuckle:
"jill caw" (BWAH! Jill - your bird lady caw is totally legendary!)
"load in her diaper" (Naturally)
"seymour butts" (Of course.)
"showing off the ass" (You know it.)
"turn him on at the office" (Ick - not at my office!)
"alexi murdoch" (Hells yeah)
"amy fisher" (thank you, MOFM.)
"cory andrea home depot" (who'sa what-now?)
"dacor ovens suck" (If you say so. My oven flash-cooks things. Neener-neener-neener!)
"dakota fanning" (just... no)
"god loves do overs" (And HOW!)
"how to make a stink grenade" (kids need more supervision these days, agreed?)
"lactatingfuck" (thanks again, MOFM!)
"my long haired cat smells like pee" (I hate that fucking cat)
"oddest frugal blogs" (who you callin' odd? Oh, yeah. Nevermind)
"straight women and girl crushes" (Yes and yes)
"this smell won't get out of my head" (Bad meat or good cheese?)
"you screwed me again constanza" (indeed)
And my personal favorite: "picture of indian mom in jeans" (I've heard of some weird fetishes, but that's a new one!)
And there you have it.
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