Anywho, I've had my day made many times today by all of you kind folks in the blogosphere, and Samsmama just tagged me in one of those little blog award postings so now I get to talk about my favorite thing - me! Ha ha... ha... *cough* ha.
So, here it goes:

Those who know that I'm a teensy bit OCD about grammar are probably waiting for me to start twitching because somebody spelled it, "awe-summm," but don't worry your pretty little heads about it. I'm me-lellow like jell-o (cool like lemonade) right now. Maybe it's the valium. Ha - I wish. Ok, I need to stop babbling and do this thang!
1. List seven things that make you awe-summm.
2. Pass the award on to seven bloggers you love.
3. Tag those bloggers to let them know that they are now Queens of All Things Awe-Summm.
4. Don't forget to link to the queen that tagged you.
5. If you would like, copy the pic and put it on your sidebar so everyone knows that you're a queen.
Without further ado, seven things that maketh Bev awesome:
1. I am generally a very cheerful person. I've never felt depressed for more than a day or two, even when bad stuff happens (like now).
2. I have absolutely no qualms about standing up in front of crowds. I did theatre for years and years and years, so I have no problem with public speaking. I'm told I am quite good at it.
3. I'm a good cook and a great baker. Seriously, my cakes would make you weep with their incredible deliciousness.
4. I am a good listener and keep secrets well. Mostly, I forget that you even told me something b/c I put it so far back into the vault. So, maybe it's just that I have a bad memory? Whatever, I stand by the good listener thing.
5. One word: cleavage. It's so good that sometimes I even catch chicks peeking. I keep it under wraps for the most part, but some good tasteful cleavage is alright by me.

6. I'm at peace with my paleness. I've done the whole tan-in-a-can thing, but I give up. I wear sunblock and hats now, so I hope to never look like this ----->
7. I got your pop culture reference RIGHT HERE. I'm even worse in person. Give me one or two tiny clues and I will tell you the actor's name and three other films he was in. Throw me a sitcom quote and I will lob one right back. Show me a social climbing D-lister and I will tell you whose junk she's currently working. It's just what I do, and I love it.
That was fun! And now to tag some other "awe-summm" bloggers:
Mala, of course. She's insanely funny and an incredible friend.
Steph, the superhero of the blogging community! A super smart and funny lady who actually likes herself, which makes everyone else like her, too.
Matteroffactmommy because she's the real deal: smart, funny, and kind.
Frank, who says he has "nothing to say," yet whenever he speaks I laugh! And besides, he's just a cool dude.
Jessica O(face), because she's got a sharp and self-deprecating wit that I completely dig.
Audra, who is a Supermom and also has a way of describing things that cracks me up!
Jo, who doesn't blog much, but is such a kind, funny friend. Also? She's hella good with the pop culture references and will TOTALLY be on my team if VH-1 ever does their World Series of PC show again. :D
So there it is. I'm gonna go put together an enormous floor puzzle with my kids right now, and then later I am going to drink a glass of wine, watch Lost, and stay off the internet! What a novel concept.
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