Happy Wednesday! I'm snowed in with my two kids today, which means I haven't been able to get a thing done and am already ready to start drinking heavily! It has been a long day, but it's all good. I'd still rather be here with my crazies than with the crazies at the office.
Last night I was cruising Facebook when I read something that irked me. There's this chick who always comments on a mutual friend's page, and I find her beyond annoying--offensive, stupid, crass, just... ick. So I did something I've never done before; I blocked someone I don't even know.
Blocking: what a wonderful tool. Being able to eliminate something bothersome with just a few flicks of my mouse is like owning a magic wand.

Why bother? Because recently I realized something about my online activity. I realized that I visited certain sites out of duty, not because I enjoyed reading them. In fact, some of these sites downright pissed me off! So I deleted those urls from my Favorites list and "unliked" their fan pages on Facebook. I unplugged from them entirely... and didn't miss them a bit. In fact, when I found myself only visiting the sites that I enjoy my entire mood improved substantially.

It's like this: a friend of mine once told me about something nasty an acquaintance had said about me, then she said sympathetically, "I thought you'd want to know." Truth is, I didn't want to know, and I told her so. I'm really happier not knowing if someone doesn't like me. Ignorance really is bliss.
This is essentially the same thing--I can't make people stop saying stupid crap online... but I don't have to read it. :)
Question: Have you ever blocked someone you don't know? Do you make heavy use of the "Hide" feature or just unfriend the annoying twats (we all have them) on your Friends list?
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