1. Overslept. Kids wouldn't get dressed and pulled all of the sheets and blankets off of my bed while I was in the shower.
2. Sugar bowl empty. Must take 30 extra seconds to find sugar bag and refill it. Goddamn it.
3. Discover evidence of someone sneaking pieces of chocolate cake: smeared frosting all over the counter & cake container. Collar the perps by the tell-tale chocolate stains on their faces and hands.
4. Out of milk. Kids ONLY want the Frosted Flakes that I never buy but allowed them to get as a treat last week. Whining ensues.
5. Due to his multiple potty training-related accidents over the weekend, M is out of underwear. Sent to school wearing saggy drawers that belong to his older brother. (What? At least they're clean!)
6. Kitten makes mad dash for open door in futile bid to escape. I briefly consider joining her.
7. Gas light on in car. Spend drive to school calculating how many more miles I can go before having to stop for fuel.
8. Forget momentarily that the nasty old bitch at the daycare who hates us has no manners and give her a cheery, "Good morning," which is met by icy silence. Kick myself for always expecting the best from people who have consistently proven themselves to be jackasses.
9. Spend first 30 minutes of work day listening to Cat Lady prattle on about how she hassled her doctor's office all day Friday to find out whether or not she has pneumonia. She doesn't, so Cough Fest '10 continues today uninterrupted. Yaaaaay.
10. Try to book haunted trolley ride for our trip to Salem this weekend and find that it's sold out. Thankfully Laurie calls and takes care of it because she is magical and somehow she can always fix these types of things. She also managed to find the most kid-friendly restaurant in town and make us a reservation there, too. LOVE that!
As you can see, it has been a rather trying morning but I'm determined to persevere! My weekend was good; we passed on everyone's kind offers to hang out and spent the entire weekend sitting around in pajamas. It was awesome not to have to go anywhere or be social for a change, and I love that my kids enjoy occasionally doing absolutely nothing as much as we do.

Ok, just one more item for my list, and then I'll cut the cord on this hot mess of a post. A few months ago we bought some (rather expensive) tickets to see the Boston Celtics play the Philadelphia 76ers in a pre-season game right here in Manchester. We were psyched because hey, we don't even drive down to Boston, right?

Then last week we found out that Jim has parent-teacher conferences that night, so he'll miss the first half of the game and I get to bring two amped-up little boys to a crowded sporting event by myself. Because sports are SO my thing. *eyeroll*
Oh well. C'est la vie! Let's hope this week gets nothing but better as it rolls along, shall we?
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