The weekend was lovely. We had warm weather and blue skies, cold beer, and lots of swim-time. Here's the Cliff Notes version of what went down.
Friday night I met my Girl Posse for margs and apps, then we went to see Eclipse. I have to admit that I haven't loved either of the first two Twilight movies, in fact, I think they heartily sucked the big one. My expectations were therefore sufficiently low this time around, and I was pleasantly surprised. It was good!

I'm the only girl in the P-Posse who wore heels. Shorties.
After the movie we all headed downtown to a
Within minutes Mala's rescue crew arrived. Her husband (with sleepy pj'ed kids in tow), mother, and step-dad showed up to drive her and her car home, and by then she was feeling better. Once she was bundled into her car and I was sure that she wasn't heading to the ER, I was able to relax again. I headed back to the bar and had some fun, though the whole ordeal was so sobering that it wasn't the wild night I'd anticipated.
Still, we had some cocktails and laughs, and before too long we were up there singing karaoke. This is when Meg and I made the most embarrassing song choice EVER. Worse than the time my friend Stacie and I sang about how we were born to be "Ramblin' Men." Worse than the Divinyl incident. Worse than other song I've ever selected to sing in public in my entire life.
For some reason, we saw the song "Gold-Digger" by Kanye West and thought it would be fun to sing. ***SMACKING FOREHEAD***

In fact, it was mortifying.
Apparently, we didn't know the song as well as we thought we did.
Apparently, we'd only heard the radio version.
Apparently, we had no idea what word Kanye says in the chorus, over and over again.
It's a word I've never said in my entire life, and I wasn't about to start then.
Hint: it rhymes with "digger."

Later, Laurie and I redeemed ourselves by kicking some ass on "Just Dance" by our girl Gaga, but still... ouch.
Those tequila shots were purely medicinal!
On Saturday Mala and I shot a bunch of funny video at her house, but then I got home and discovered that my camcorder won't talk to my laptop, and neither one of them wants anything to do with the Pinnacle editing software, either. FML! So today I'm off to Best Buy to try to spend my way out of this pickle. Hopefully we'll have something fun for you guys at some point.
Sunday we spent the day at the lake in Vermont with my mom and some extended family, and I'll spare you the details of that day with one exception. This photo was taken right after D splashed us right in the face, so please forgive the 'do and the bizarre expression on my face. What is more funny is the Photobomber behind us, yes?

Yup, I thought so too!
On Monday I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be, and more.
So that's my weekend in a nutshell (Help! I'm in a nutshell!). How was yours? Sing any embarrassing karaoke? Have any potential medical emergencies? Have a Shamu sighting? No? Just me then?
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