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Monday, June 28, 2010

Musical (and Muse-ical) Monday

Hey there! How does this Monday morning find you? I hope you're all feeling groovy and ready to rock this week out like I am! If not, never fear; I've got a cure for what ails ya'. I've got a cool song and video to implant in your head for at least a day, along with my typical random blatherings to (hopefully) entertain you.

No need to thank me; I did it all for the nookie.

My weekend was pretty sweet. On Saturday morning Mala and I dumped our kids with my darling husband and went for pedicures at a local shi-shi salon, complete with Pina Coladas and plenty of chit-chat about Twilight versus (the way cooler, IMO) True Blood, then we had lunch and took the kids to the lake to burn off what remained of their moxie. It was supremely relaxing and a great belated celebration for Mala's birthday!

On Sunday we did a family clean-out of the toy situation, which felt GOOD. Seriously, taking out two trash bags full of broken toys, Happy Meal junk, and irreparably-sticky doo-dads felt better to me than a week of foot rubs. We also put away three big boxes of toys that the boys don't play with anymore; we are saving them up for Jim's brothers, who both have plans to procreate with their wives within the next year or so.

DAMN, it felt good to be a gangsta to clean out the crap!

On to the fun Monday morning pick-u-ups!

I have been humming the song Bulletproof by La Roux for weeks now, and imagine my delight when I found that the video is cool enough to be OOBH-worthy! It's as if someone morphed Tilda Swinton with Jimmy Neutron, added a dollop of David Bowie, and dropped the resulting hipster into a 1980's electronica meets MC Escher landscape.

Exhibit A:

It rocks, which is sayin' something because all singer Elly Jackson does in the video is walk. Yet, she looks way cool doing it. Check it out:

Pretty neat, huh? I dig it. Good luck getting that song out of your head.

The world has a new Ugliest Dog! Congratulations to Princess Abby, the inbred Chihuahua who won that dubious honor this weekend.

Awww, she's... well, she's... I'm sure she's very sweet. She's also a good reminder to take Bob Barker's advice. No, not the advice that he no doubt gives about not sleeping with the Price Is Right models without having a gag order signed in advance, this advice:

The Price is WRONG, bitch!

That's it for now, cuties. It's shaping up to be a busy week in Bev-land, but never fear. I'll be around. Have a happy day!

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