Yesterday Cary made a post about what fast food looks like in advertising versus what it looks like in real life. The general consensus among the commenters was that most fast food looks like somebody sat on it and/or it may contain a talon of some sort.

Don't get me wrong; the woman is in her fifties and looks pretty amazing! However, anyone could look great if they spent a gazillion dollars on face lifts, chemical peels, injectable fillers and whatnot, not to mention make-up. I'm sure I'd be able to stomp on the groin of Father Time as well if it weren't for the fact that I am poor and don't have my picture taken for a living.
Anyhoodle, see for yourself.
Madonna needs the Precious.
Wouldn't it be nice if we all had a Photoshop expert to fine-tune all of our photos? Since we're on the subject, yesterday I was perusing one of my favorite time-wasting sites, Photoshop Disasters, and came across this little number:

Kimora looks... well, wow. Nice legs, Stretch.
With beach season upon us I have been hearing more and more of my friends (myself included) complaining about our bodies. Hey, we all put on weight at certain times in our lives. Some of us, like myself, have never been skinny and most likely never will be skinny. I own my curves (and my back fat, sadly) and as a grown-ass woman I've come to terms with what I look like in this lifetime.
I know you've heard this before, but it bears repeating: don't let the magazines fool you, nobody is perfect. Even skinny people have cellulite and thigh dimples once they reach a certain age. As long as you are healthy and eat well most of the time, let the number on the scale be just that, a number.
Anyone can be hot and sexy, at any size.

For what it's worth, I think you look fantastic, so rock it out, my lovelies!
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