I'm not going to dwell. No wallowing here. Nope!
Well, not much, anyway.
Do you ever just have one of those days when you feel defeated before you even get out of bed? You know, like when all of life's little shitty details pile on top of you until you feel like you've been trapped beneath something really heavy. Say, a flatulent hippopotamus?
Maybe your kids come home filthy and crotchety from school, then refuse to go to bed until after 9.
Maybe tomorrow marks one year since your favorite person passed away.
Maybe you can't go one day at work without something breaking and it's your job to get it fixed, but not before you hear about the problem from every single person in the office.
Maybe the 7 day cleanse pills you are taking have caused some pretty unpredictable and unpleasant sprints to the bathroom.
Not that this is what I've got going on or anything. Oh nooooo, not me! I'm just cranky 'cuz it's Thursday and not Friday. ;) Thank GOODNESS it's a 3-day weekend!
Don't get me wrong - I'm very thankful today, too. I took my oldest for his annual physical yesterday and he is healthy both mentally and physically. As a mother I could never ask for more than that. My youngest boy is growing like a weed and making me smile every day, and the love I get from both of those little dudes eases the hurt from everything else life throws at me.
My husband is sweet, hard-working, and always lets me be me. I am glad that I was smart enough to put a ring on it back in my wild(er) days.
I'm thankful for my friends, who keep me young.
I'm thankful for all of you peeps, who read my shtuff and leave me hilarious and sweet comments.
And I'm thankful for humor in all shapes & forms & the people who recognize it when they see it.
There. See? Counting my blessings really does help. I feel better already!
Something else that makes me happy is this song by Mumford & Sons. It's NSFW because they drop the F bomb in the chorus.
Your turn! What's bumming you out and what are you thankful for? C'mon, spill - it really helps! Sharing is caring.
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