So here it is, your weekly collection of pop culture droppings that I lovingly mix into a delicious and satisfying mental concoction. It's part of a balanced diet!
Let's get on wit' it, shall we?
1. Daniel Craig might be bisexual.

NTTAWWT. That great bastion of journalistic integrity, The National Enquirer, has reported a story in which several witnesses saw Craig mackin' on some equally-hot dude while out to dinner in Venice, CA. With tongue. Speaking as a woman I have to say that it's a pity for us ladies, but seriously, he's too fine to be totally straight, right?
2. Shrek's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard....

Via Buzznet
Heh heh, ogre-load. Genius marketing, McD's.
3. Catherine Zeta Jones needs a cheeseburger, a nap, and a facial.

via Celebitchy
Hey, we all look like hell some days. Right this very moment I'm sporting the "I woke up too late to wash my hair" ponytail, so who am I to judge? Cath's a beautiful
4. At least 50 Cent still looks fantastic!

He lost 60 lbs for a movie role following what I have to assume was the Olsen Twin Diet: fat-free soy lattes, cigarettes, and desperation.
5. Speaking of the Olsens, we haven't checked in with Very Mary-Kate in a while.
Very Mary-Kate: Crush from Mary-Kate Olsen on Vimeo.
Love those.
6. Last but not least, SCANDALO at Holy Taco!

I read Holy Taco just about every day (because I'm 12), but it's yet another one of those sites that I never bothered to read the comments. I used to be like that with List of the Day, believe it or not - I just had no idea what kind of
Well, this week apparently the shite hit the fan over at HT in the comment section, so the editors closed the comments and posted this rather hilarious yet scathing condemnation for their commenters' recent action. Since I wasn't involved in any way, shape, or form (that humming sound is coming from the glow of my halo, btw), I found it all to be rather amusing.
See for yourself.
There you have it! Another filling bowl of stew. This was a great way to prep the belly for all that BBQ we're gonna eat this weekend, right? It's Memorial Day weekend and all I have planned is parties with friends, playing with the kiddos, eating anything slathered in sauce, and drinking many cold Duffs.
Hope you all have a good one!