Ingredient 1: More proof that dentists have the best drugs.
Here's a doped-up teenager talking about unicorns and shizz after having some oral surgery, then she busts out some mad rhymes. You go, girl!
Courtesy of Holy Taco
How much do I love (and relate to) her mom for recording her darling daughter's drug-induced blathering and then uploading it to YouTube?
A whole helluva lot, that's how much.
Ingredient 2: Why I *heart* Tina Fey.
That clip reminds me of my current favorite show, 30 Rock; in particular my new favorite episode: Anna Howard Shaw Day.
"One word: oral. Two words: Oral Surgery."
Here's my homegirl Liz Lemon doing her best to avoid all of the Valentine's Day hullabaloo. (Spoiler alert: she fails.) After having to admit that she has no one to drive her home after receiving anesthesia, she sees all of her ex-boyfriends (and a certain NBC-owned 80's rock star) in the waiting room:
Ingredient 3: A pinch of Tween Lust.
Apparently this Justin Bieber kid is some sort of pop star?

This is wrong, but does he look a wee bit special on the cover of People? Maybe it's the carefully-crafted bowl cut that he's rocking? He reminds me of someone.... Oh yeah, that's it.
According to my beloved Dlisted, even Justin tweeted about how bad he looks on the cover and says, "if u cant laugh at yourself u aint havin fun." Good lad! Now get back on the short bus because it's almost snack time. We're having ants on a log!
Ingredient 4: Whitney Huston is most likely back on the smack.

Color me shocked! No really, this is my surprised face.
Ingredient 5: Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey split up.
So a constantly self-promoting ex-playmate ("I'm not a doctor but I still think I know more than they do") and an actor ("I try to be funny to hide my crippling & debilitating emotional depression") couldn't make it work? Jeez, what hope is there for the rest of us?

Well, at least they didn't do something trite like announce their break-up on Twitter or anything. Oh, wait... never mind.
Ingredient 6: True Blood returns to HBO on June 13th, and I already can't f'ing wait!

Yeah, I cannot. wait. To tide you over until June, don't forget that the 11th novel in the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mystery series comes out this May 10th! Yes, I buy the books the second they hit the stands, so?
So there it is. Hope you all enjoyed this latest concoction of mine. Good stew comes from good ingredients, so thank you, Pop Culture Universe, for smiling upon us this week!
Have a happy weekend, all!
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