For now, hunker down and grab a slab of bread to dunk in this week's OOBH Stew, won't you?
First up, I found this during my interwebz travels this week & laughed:

Hot Pockets
This one has been making the rounds on Facebook this week, with good reason: it's hysterical. I especially love this clip because Jim used to take Hot Pockets to work for lunch all the time. One day about two years ago he (finally!) got sick of them and hasn't had them since, yet his cow-orkers still ask him every day, "What, no hot pocket?" He hates it! Ha ha!
Anyway, here's comedian Jim Gaffigan riffing on the frozen mystery-meat concoctions:
Speaking of the hubster, last night he turned to me during a commercial break in my beloved 30 Rock and said, "I gotta tell you, the more I think about this Hot Tub Time Machine thing, the more I wanna see it."

I've recently heard it compared to the uber-funny movie The Hangover, so maybe it is worth a look-see?
Sure, the first time I saw this confection with the idiotic title I thought it looked stupid and wondered what had become of John Cusak's management, but Jim is right; the more I see the previews, the funnier it looks. Of course, I might end up a little bit dumber after watching it, but whatever. That's the price you pay for comedy sometimes, ain't it?
Funny cast, screwball antics, no mental heavy-lifting? I guess I'm in, too!
Next, in the "funny yet wrong" category, my BIL shared this yesterday and I admit that I giggled:

So there it is! Hope you all got at least one good chuckle out of this round-up. I know I enjoyed collecting stuff this week, as always.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
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