One last thing about this voice crap that I have to tell you because it's kind of funny - you don't realize what role your vocal cords play in your every-day life until one of them shits the bed on you. For instance, swallowing is hit or miss (stuff goes down the wrong tube a lot - STFU fellas) which makes me cough, and I currently cough like a 90 year old with emphysema (NTTAWWT), and last, well... yesterday I sneezed a couple of times and BOY was that a shocker! It sounds like an explosion! CRAZY! I am soooooo lady-like. *snort*

BUT, it's getting better - BECAUSE IT MUST - so I'm going to ignore it and move on.
Shall we walk & I'll show you some funny things I've been collecting this week? (linking arms)
First off, we need to discuss two of this week's many Facebook memes. The first is the Urban Dictionary one which involves going to Urban and typing in your first name to get the definition, which you then post to your FB profile. A lot of people couldn't post their first UD name meanings because they were too dirty for Facebook; since that's NOT a problem here at the OOBH, I invite you to share them here in the comments section! Personally, I loved mine and would have it tattooed somewhere on my body if I were into that sort of thing, which I'm not. Check it out - disregard the last line.
one who is bringing sexy back; one who is a mammajamma; one who is straight up gangsta; one who is a BFF; one who takes M-Diddy to prom; one who mingles with chemistry teachers; one who has hott buttery buns; one who is hillbilly
YEAH, baby! I love-love-love it. :) What's yours?
Secondly, there's the one where you're supposed to change your avatar to your celebrity doppleganger, but that didn't work for me because I don't resemble anyone famous! What can I say? I'm one of a kind....
When I asked my friends who I looked like they said:
Liv Tyler & Lauren Graham.

After I stopped laughing and thanking them profusely, I told them I didn't see it.
Do you have a celebrity doppleganger? Who is it?
What about the celebs themselves? Who do they pick as their FB dopplegangers? According to Holy Taco:

Last but not least, I found this funny website where an actress-type chica makes webisodes of a show she calls "Very Mary Kate." She plays everyone's favorite anorexic monkey troll/actress and they're all short and really FUNNY! This one's my fave:
Very Mary-Kate, Episode 3 from Mary-Kate Olsen on Vimeo.
So that's my funny shtuff. Hope you liked it as much as I did!
Big weekend plans? I'm just hanging around with my kids this weekend because my BIL is coming to take my husband
Have a nice weekend, all!
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