Hope you've all survived another week and are looking forward to the weekend. I've got a date with my special lady friend tomorrow night which will most likely result in more tales of being sandblasted, waxed, and plucked within an inch of our lives by non-English-speaking women who seem to find all body hair abhorrent. Bless their hearts.
For now, I've got another delicious batch of stew for you, so put on your plastic lobster bibs and dig in! This could get messy.
WTF is that?!

I found this picture this week and immediately right-clicked that bad boy because I know you all love it when I gross you out/scare you. I sure hope this this was Photoshopped!
In Ga-Ga we trust.
Apparently there's some sort of trend going on right now where people deface old GW on the one dollar bill and make him look like everyone's favorite freak-bitch-monster! Since you know I dig the Ga, I'm all over it.
Lahve lahve lahve!
Rosie the terrorist

As if she could be any LESS attractive, right? I mean, seriously. Ew.
I am a closet lolcats fan.
I got a chain email this week that I not only did not delete before reading (sorry, Aunt C.), but I actually giggled at some of the contents. These two in particular made me smile.

Last but definitely not least:
Are you watching Modern Family on ABC? No? Well, why in the name of Blog not?! It is seriously the funniest show since our dearly departed Arrested Development. I love every single thing about it! Here's a taste - if you tell me this doesn't make you laugh, I'll ask you to have your funny bone examined.

The similarities don't end there, obv. I mean, have you SEEN her amazing rack? It's almost as nice as mine!
Have a nice weekend, peeps! The Bev loves you.
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