Sorry about the misfire yesterday! Some of you noticed (and bless your hearts for that) that I posted something yesterday and then deleted it before anyone could read it. Oops! I just wasn't feelin' it, so I took it down. No biggie!
I'll make it up to you today by showing you some mildly-embarrassing photos from my misspent youth. Just a few snapshots from my life, nothing too racy today, but be sure to check in tomorrow when I join in on the Lilu's TMI Thursday fun!
For now, we're opening the Vault:
July 1986
Check out this hot ticket in her polyester mini skirt in the July 4th parade! I grew up in a small town in Vermont; not born a poor black child as you may have previously heard. I twirled the baton, and badly. Later I would go on to play the flute, also badly, in between dancing (badly) and doing gymnastics (you got it, badly). Regardless of my lack of dexterity and grace with my baton, I had my glory days, like this one.

Spring 1995
In college I was a big theater nerd. I took every class offered by the Dept. of Theatre and spent most of my free time working on shows. For my advanced stage make up class I needed to find a friend with very short hair to do a bald cap on; any hair longer than an inch and a half looked bulky under the thin latex caps. Since all of my friends were rich kids in a hippie phase, the person I knew with the shortest hair was a girl, my friend Erica.
Here's my masterpiece! Bald caps are tricky - lots of adhesive, base, etc. but I got an A. :)

Spring 1997
Last but not least. This picture cracks me up! Here's a very young Jim on one of the few occasions that he managed to drag me up and over a mountain. We did an overnight trip up Camel's Hump (heh heh, hump) in Vermont. It was beautiful but the mosquitoes nearly carried us off the mountain, and physically it was just hard as hell. Bev no likey.
So here's Jim and his bowl cut admiring a scenic vista. Is it just me or does this look like either a posed Sears portrait OR as if he's sitting on an invisible toilet?

It's his impeccable posture, I think. IDK.
Anywho, hope you enjoyed this little peek into my vault. Have a happy day!
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