Ingredient 1: A dash of Gaga.
By now you all know I love the song and video for Lady Gaga's Bad Romance, so it is only natural that I share the latest (hilarious) spoof version made by a bunch of bored teenagers in somebody's messy house. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you "Badder Romance":
Thank you, Urlesque.
Ingredient 2: One scalded unit

Ingredient 3: Suri Cruise, age 3, wears higher heels, has nicer clothes, and drives a more expensive car than you do.

Yet he'll no doubt be shocked when she develops a drug problem, sleeps with anything that moves, and has no concept of reality when she hits her teens.
Ingredient 4: A pinch of Jason Bateman in ladies undies.

I'd still hit it like the fist of an angry god.
Ingredient 5: Simon Cowell is leaving American Idol.
Shock! Awe! Meh.
I don't care. I don't watch that shit, yo. In other news, when I was looking for a picture of Simon, preferably one of him on the beach with his furry moobs showing (what? I just think they're funny!), I found this little item:

HA!! Perfect! My husband has a birthday coming up, and I think I know just what to get him....
So there it is. *BURP* That's some good stew, if I do say so myself. Hope you enjoyed it too!
Ta-ta for now!
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