Today S-U-C-K-E-D massive ball sack. My boss was a whirling dervish of dinkery, and Murphy's Law was in full force. My crap job bores me, so I won't go further into detail for you. Suffice to say that the highlight of my meager working existence today was a hastily-slurped bowl of low fat chicken noodle soup eaten standing up in the kitchen while I hid from my boss. Go, me!
Now that I've finished my work and am about to blow this frozen banana stand I thought I'd show you a couple of things that made me laugh this week. Just a couple, though, because I really do mean to make this quickie short and
First off, there's's list of the 12 Worst Photoshop Mistakes. Because I love the expression, "unhinge your jaw," I think this one is my favorite, though it was really hard to choose just one fave:

Btw, there are tons more of these at the Photoshop Disasters blog.
Did you know there's a whole website devoted to videos of cute things "exploding?" Yeah, me either, but you do now. You're welcome. Note: the cute things don't really explode because that would be sick and wrong. They just use the magic of graphic animation to make it LOOK like the cute things are exploding, which is only sort of sick and wrong.
Behold, my fave:
Last but not least, I stumbled across this little demotivational portrait of writer Hunter S. Thompson and decided it is my new motto. Sure, he was a drug-addled freak, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from diggin' it.

There. Aren't you glad you stopped by? I know I am.
Have a great weekend!
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