The original is here, if you must.
Hilarity, the floor is yours!
Work it, brotha!
What else is new? Let's do a listy-poo, shall we?
1. The weather report is calling for the first Nor'Easter of the season tonight/tomorrow, which is early. I usually count on snow by Halloween. I am SO not ready for winter; I haven't arranged to have my show tires put on yet. Those buggers are expensive. *sigh*
2. Adding to the money hemorrhage at casa de Bev: our hot water heater conked out last night, so the plumber is coming today to install a new one. Fan-friggin-tastic, I say.
3. 30 Rock returns tonight! YAY! Love that show, and not just because I want to shrink Liz Lemon/Tina Fey down and put her in my pocket so she can make me laugh whenever I want. Ok, it's mostly for that reason, but also because I can't get enough of Jack Donaughey/Alec Baldwin.
4. Modern Family is the best new show on television this season. Please watch it -- I'm sick of having all of my favorite shows get Arrested Development-ed. It's on Wednesday nights at 9 on ABC - set those DVRs! You will laugh, I promise.
5. Hey look, it's a talking dog.
The end is my favorite part, when Mischa's all, "HOOOOOOOOOWL, now leave me alone, bitches!"
By the way, this dog looks exactly like one my college roommate had, and that Husky was a real pain in the arse. One time the dog ate a tampon & my friend had to pull it out of her butt while on a walk through the campus green. True story.
ANYWHO. Hope you all have a pleasant and drama-free Thursday!
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