Today is my baby's birthday!

Anyway, it's hard to believe that two years ago at this exact time, on a day just exactly like this one, I was holding a newborn infant in my arms. I feel so blessed and fortunate to have been given two beautiful, healthy children. They are worth every stretch mark and worry line! Remind me that I said that next time I want to kill one of them for pouring a full cup of milk into the sofa, ok? Thx.
Ok, moving on.
Who watched the VMAs last night? Raise your hands. Hey, you in the back -- both hands where I can see 'em! I admit it, I always watch this train wreck, and last night was no exception. I actually DVR'ed that mess so I could watch the True Blood season finale first (which was just kind of meh, IMO. Thoughts?).
Obviously, everybody's talking about that asshole Kanye West's latest publicity-seeking fuckery, and with good cause. My mouth was literally hanging open when he stole that little girl's moment in the sun, and I just cannot believe he has such cojones! I had no opinion about Taylor Swift before this happened; it's just not my kind of music, but she seems like a sweet and talented girl. I can't believe he crapped all over her like he did! I do think that Beyonce handled it well later in the show when she called Taylor back up on stage and gave her some time to say her thank-yous; she's a class act, that one.

Speaking of lip sinquing, didya see Janet Jackson? Eesh. One word for you, Janet: RETIRE. That was baaaaad. Also bad? That bitch Madonna calling us all jerks for hating on Michael Jackson. "Witch hunt?" Puh-lease.
Ok, this post is already too long, so I'll get off my high horse.
Another OOBH milestone! Today when I logged into my dashboard, I saw that I have hit FIFTY friends/followers! WOW! Thank you & welcome to Nicolasa. Nice to meet you! I'm flattered, and I know it's kind of lame but I DO notice these things and it does make my day, so thank you.
Now, would the readers from Philadelphia, PA and Maple Shade, NJ please stand up? I seeeeeee you, and I want to know you too! Truth be told, I have relatives in both of those areas, so I'm curious if this is them quietly keeping tabs on me. Thanks in advance for coming out of the closet. You know I love ya already.
Finally, I'll leave you with some art work from my oldest son, who is currently obsessed with Star Wars and Batman. I'm fairly certain that we'll be getting a call from the school any day now about his "dark" drawings, but they look just fine to me. What do you think?

Yoda is my favorite part. Heeeeeee!
Ok, that'll do for now. Have a great day, everyone!
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