I'm the chubby 1-year-old in the wife-beater & saggy diaper who looks like she wants to punch my cousin John in the face. If you met John, you'd know why. That's my bratty older sister, who was rockin' the Marcia Brady 'do and holey pj pants, and my other cousin Mike is doing his best Napoleon Dynamite impression in the back.
My parents like to talk about how I was such a great sleeper when I was a child, which honestly doesn't surprise me. I mean, you're all aware of my tendency towards slothfulness and my deep love of sleeping, right? Apparently as a kid I would be running across the floor full-tilt and then I'd trip and go to sleep right there on the floor (and no, I had not suffered a head injury in the fall). It happened a lot. Hey, what can I say? Girlfriend likes her sleep.
Looking through old photos of me is kind of boring as a result. What can I say except, "Oh yeah, that looks like a great nap." or "Awww, yeah, snuggle it baby!"

I remember that cat (Rocky) and I also remember that pillow case. It was Family Circus, and oh, how I howled with laughter over that zany family! Really, my sides hurt.
(Was that comic strip EVER funny? Honestly!)

Here I am sleeping through The Nutcracker. My grandmother had written on the back of this photo that I fell asleep immediately but that she and Debbie really enjoyed it. Looks like I did, too.
And finally, because I love you all, here's one of those photos of my lovely sister during her "awkward phase." Isn't she a good sport for letting me share her Beavis & Butthead look? Props to my sis, who went on to become a stone cold fox. WOOT!

Velour - I kind of miss it, don't you?
Ok, that's all I'm sharing today. Don't wanna shoot my photo wad all in one day! Hope you enjoyed this walk down memory lane. Have a happy hump day, everyone!
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