Fill in the blank! I want to hear about your weekends. Speak.
As for mine, I'll keep it brief because I am tired of talking about my fabulous life. Ha ha. No really.

I already told you about the Lobstah-Fest on Friday night, so moving on to Saturday.... We went to my good friend Laurie's house for her daughter's 8th birthday party, and we all really enjoyed ourselves! They had one of those enormous inflatable water things set up, so I basically didn't see my son for most of the day. It was
awesome. What?

The gorgeous Laurie!

The Birthday GIRL!

I think I need therapy to deal with the fact that I see boobs everywhere. Seriously, give me an ink blot, and I will see boobies, I guarantee it.
Please don't tell me you
don't see a boob here?

On Sunday we went over to the lake near our house, where my in-laws have rented a cabin for the next two weeks. Yes, I said
two weeks. *sigh* I'm sure I'll be blogging about how irritated I am by them in 3...2...1.... Whatever, I'm tired now. I give myself till about Thursday of this week before I get annoyed. Oops, too late!

Danny caught his first fish! We released that little guy, and he went on to catch 2 more much larger ones, but I didn't have my camera handy for those.

Then my husband clenched every muscle he has to show me why he's still a catch, too. Holla! This picture is totally dedicated to
Kate, who has made it clear that she wants to see Jim naked. ;-)
Couple of random quotes that struck me funny:
"Dude, your iPod is horny today."Heh... when
isn't it?
"His little pecker is broken."It was a bird, and my kid meant "beak." HEEE!
SO there it is. My weekend, in a nutshell. ("Help! I'm in a nutshell!")
Now, tell me about yours. I mean it!
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