Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Mine was decent.
Friday night, my good friend Laurie came home from her month-long vacay in FL. Yeah, she's tan. Yeah, she's still a super awesome chick. Yeah, I DIG HER. I was too busy laughing and philosophizing with her to take any pictures, but thanks to the magic of Google Images, here's what we did Friday night. There was bad lighting at the restaurant, so we looked like extras from the Thriller video in the two cell pics I did snap. Use your imaginations:

Danny had a virgin strawberry daiquiri at the restaurant, also known as a Sugar BOMB. So, I spent a lot of time chasing the children:

Then, we were tired, so we went home and crashed:

A good time was had by all.
Saturday, Jim was burned-out from watching the kids, so I sent him off into the woods for some manly hiking time. Meanwhile, I took the kids to the beach. We lasted about 45 minutes before Danny got a few lung-fulls of water while using his snorkel and mask, so we had to leave. It was kind of scary, even though I was standing just a few feet away from him the whole time. He was shaken up, and I can't keep the little guy OUT of the water, so it was just too crazy. I dragged my sullen 6-year-old and my screaming almost-2-year-old back to the car and back to the relative safety of our house. The next day, I went out and bought them both life vests.
Sunday we went to Vermont and helped my mom clean out some nasty stuff from the carport. It wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be, and Mom was in a good mood, so the work went quickly. We went out to dinner after, and my salmon was wicked good, dood. Then we came home and I watched True Blood, so all's well that ends well.

The world may never know.
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