So, the weekend was good. On Saturday we went to our friends' house for their daughter's 6th birthday party. It was a great time, and the kids were cute in their superheroes costumes. Danny immediately became red and sweaty in his Power Ranger costume, because that is just how we are built. Any form of exertion and I am red in the face, which meant that gym class was super fun for me as a kid! It's not that I can't keep up, I've always done fine, but I look like I'm about to have a heart attack while exercising. Once again, being fair-skinned is awesome!
The Jillinator had asked us to stay after the party (for the "real party"), which meant that I had to be the lurker mom who never left. My husband showed up 3 hours late, just as the last stragglers were leaving, but I had been there the whole time. I was just starting to think maybe I shouldn't have committed to sticking around when we put the little kids to bed and busted out the wine, and then the fun began.
Jill and I had some very interesting discussions, none of which I can share. Sorry! But suffice to say that when Jill calls my cell phone, her ring tone is "Super Freak" by Rick James... and I had no idea how appropriate that choice was until Saturday night. WHOOOOO, doggy! I knew I liked that chick! We ended up hanging out on her bed, drinking our vino, for about 2 hours. The guys were downstairs shooting the shit (and maybe playing Wii, I don't really know), and we just laughed and laughed and talked about dirty, dirty things. It was awesome. Well, it was awesome right up until I got up to go to the potty and FELL OFF THE BED. Yes. And that bed was high, and the hardwood floor was hard, and I landed like a ton of bricks.
Jill's husband heard the thud and came running up the stairs (my own husband was all, "Eh, she's fine!" Nice.), and he helped me up and dusted off my wounded pride. We then gathered up our sleeping children and Jim drove us the 4 minutes back home, where I apparently took out my contacts and then immediately forgot that I'd done it, so I stood there for 10 minutes poking myself in the eye and complaining that they were stuck. The next morning, I was still convinced that they were in there somewhere, so I started poking myself again. Jeeeeeezus. It wasn't until I checked the container and saw them floating around in there that I realized I had actually succeeded in getting them out the first time. Fuuuuuck me.
My entire left side is sore as a mutha and I have a gigantic bruise forming on my hip. It's hip, shoulder, elbow. I am sooooooooo cool. (rolling eyes)
So that was Saturday.
Sunday Jim made banana pancakes for the boys and I had myself a little egg sandwich wrap, and then we just took it easy, and by "taking it easy" I mean that I hid in my bedroom and napped for quite a while. Then we drove up and met my mom at a restaurant for "lupper," and then came back home. I watched True Blood last night and it was pretty great. There was a HOT Bill & Sookie sex scene. It's official: Anna Paquin is a butterface. She was naked as a newborn last night and her body is pretty bangin', (and I say that with a solid record of heterosexuality backing me up). Too bad her face is... let's just say... errrrm.... Oh fuckit, there's no good way to say it: she's fug. But, whatever, she's still a good Sookie.
So that is that. On Wednesday Mala and I have plans to go see a real-live psychic, so I'm excited about that. We booked these appts. ages ago because this chick is so hard to see. She's apparently freaky-good. Mala's gone a bunch of times and every time her mind is BLOWN, and one of Mala's HS friends, who is a skeptic like me, went and also thought she was the real deal. I hope I like the experience! I hope she doesn't see anything awful. I don't have many skeletons in my closet but still... it should be interesting! You know I'll keep you all posted. ;-)
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