2. You will boogie in your seat.
I love the Flight of the Conchords. Yes, yes I do.
She's so hot she's making me sexist! Bitch!

Tomorrow is my day off, and I haven't made plans. I am toying with a couple of ideas, but haven't felt like committing yet. It's a good feeling, and I'm enjoying these last few days of complete freedom. J and the kids will be out of school next week and then things get more complicated and busy, so I'm savoring my last total "me" day.
I'm about ready to bounce on home! It has been a very quiet week at work. My boss is out of town and I've had about an hour's worth of actual work to do in a given day. Combine that with this dreary gray weather we've been having, and I'm a little bit zoned out. Who needs drugs when I can make my brain feel dull and numb just by sitting quietly in a gray fog for two days? Well, drugs would still be more fun, but whatever. They're hard to get... um, I mean bad for you... so I'll just stick with being naturally comfortably numb for the time being.
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