I got the nicest sympathy card in the mail yesterday from a long-forgotten teacher named Mrs. Elliot. That's her in the picture below, hugely pregnant. I remember when her baby was born (she named her Clarissa, a name I've liked ever since), and I remember going to her house for an end-of-the year party to meet the new baby. Good times. Anyway, she sent me the sweetest card telling me how sorry she was to hear about my father's death, and she included a little print-out of our class photo. I was so touched! First, that she remembered me at all, and second, that she was so thoughtful to send a card and include a picture. We lost most of our photos in a house fire when I was a teenager, so things like this mean even more to me now.
The quality is terrible and was made worse by my crappy scanner, but here it is anyway:

Can you spot the Bev? :)
Have a good Sunday, everyone! I am finally on the mend after over-indulging on dirty martinis on Friday night. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you the story of how I now hate dirty martinis and how I now need dental work thanks to my drunk-ass friend Sarah. In the meantime, I'm going to go have a nice lunch with Mala & family and then I'm going to make a casserole to drop off at the Jillinator's house. I won't go into it, but her family suffered a very tragic and sudden loss last week, so everyone please think good thoughts for my friend Jill. Love you, girl! oxoxox
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