This is one of my favorite pics, taken by the lovely and talented Mala. I look a mess - we had just ridden horses over the Hollywood hills into Pasadena, after all, but these margs were so worth it. Of course, I had a little trouble getting back on the ol' horse after (yes, I needed a boost, so? That horse was tall!), but that was a minor detail. Also, this pic makes it look like I have man-hands, which I assure you, I do not.
Hola! Hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday morning. It is gray and rainy here, but it's all good because I'm stuck at work anyway! In honor of Cinco de Mayo, we're having fajitas for dinner tonight, and that is the extent of our celebration. Well, I might wear my sombrero, but that's not unusual. That's just a Tuesday night at casa de Bev, yo!
I don't have much to report today, so I am gonna show you a little video that makes me giggle and squirm all at the same time. Some of you may remember this song from the 90's, but maybe it'll be new to some of you. Who knows? Somebody made me think of the song yesterday (you know who you are!) and it has been stuck in my head ever since! So now, I will share the wealth with all of you. Enjoy. (muaahahaaha!)
Was it good for you, too?
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