But hear me out.
First of all, let it be known that I am not a music snob. I like ALL kinds of music, from the twangiest piece of country crap to the most out-there techno, and everything in between. While my leanings have almost always been towards alternative, I can get down to muzak if need be. And I have. Sure, there are bands whose music I don't like (Nickleback... I'm looking in your direction), but it's them specifically, not any particular genre.

Also, I love to boogie, so dance music is a-ok by me, and this is where the Gaga comes in. This music is like heroin. I haven't stopped playing the CD in my car for 3 days, and I've been busted dancing at stoplights a couple of times now. Oh, and FYI - when I'm busted, I don't get embarrassed, I go with it! The other day I was workin' it out when I noticed a guy watching me, so I did the ol' white-man's overbite, pointing at him thing, and he laughed his ass off. What can I say? I like making people giggle, even at my own expense. The best part is that when I told Jim about it he didn't even bat an eye. He's used to my antics by now, I s'pose.
Speaking of Jim, he is completely indulgent when it comes to my semi-secret pop leanings. In case you didn't know, Jim's a Deadhead and a huge music lover, and he takes it very seriously. He listens to a lot of 60's & 70's rock, a lot of CCR, Hot Tuna, Steve Kimock... shit like that. I like it too, but as I mentioned, I refuse to be pigeon-holed. So, despite the fact that he thinks pop sucks, he thinks it's cute that I like it.
Now, back to GaGa. She's batshit crazy, and I think that's the tits. She dresses like a martian and is amazingly good at hiding her "butterface" behind big glasses and hair extensions. She never wears pants, and I think it's a well-documented fact that I also hate pants. Most importantly, her music is the catchiest shit I've ever heard in my life. And she's dirty, and lord knows, I like dirty.
Some of her lyrics:
"I wanna take a ride on your disco stick."
"Russian Roulette isn't the same without a gun, and baby when it's love if it ain't rough it isn't fun."
and my personal favorite, "I'll get him hard, show him what I've got." (this is part of the chorus, people. THE CHORUS!)
Hee! I think it's love. Sure, some of the baselines remind me a little too much of Salt n' Peppa, Paula Abdul, and other 80's gems, but I can dig it. The album only has 2-3 clunkers (I don't "do" ballads on dance albums), but the rest is ridiculously catchy. I literally cannot stop moving when it's on.
Oh, and for anyone who thinks she's gimmicky with the outfits and wants to feel superior in their musical tastes, let me remind you of this:

Ziggy Stardust Bowie is some of my favorite Bowie.
Spectacle is good! Put on a show for me, entertain me, shock me, and definitely talk dirty to me. :)
So, there it is. Let the hazing commence. I am secure enough in my coolness that I refuse to feel shame (much) about loving the Lady G!
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