So, in no particular order:
W-T-F is up with Madonna's face?!

She has clearly had too much work done, and is fighting the aging process with a ferocity that I would expect from someone as strong-willed as Her Madgesty is rumored to be. So, I get the oddly line-free face, I get the eye job and brow lift and laser peels.
But, the cheekbones are new, right?

Am I wrong, or is she starting to look a leetle beet like:
Jocelyn Wildenstein, AKA The Cat Lady?
Right?! Aaaaaanyway.
W-T-F is up with Lindsay Lohan these days?!

Now, let it be known that I was pulling for this girl. I loved her in Mean Girls, and she was such a cute kid. What happened with her life as she grew up in the Hollywood spotlight is such an old story that it's almost a cliche, right? Child star with too much money, too much freedom, and God-awful parents develops a nasty drug & alcohol problem that ruins her credibility with movie-makers and fans. She starts losing jobs and spending too much money, does the obligatory sex tape, then amps it up a notch and gets lesbian cred with a fellow addict and fame-whore....
It's timeless, really. It's also freaking sad as hell, and it all comes down to parenting as far as I'm concerned, because you don't see Dakota Fanning and her kid sister out there stumbling out of clubs at 4 AM, now do ya?
Now, I hear Lindsay's thisclose to releasing a porno. Dude. W-T-F?
That's it for now 'cause I gotta run. Happy Saturday!
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