And it only took me 7 days. (blushing)
Okay, so Mala assured me that I was "snapping pictures like a paparazzi" on New Year's Eve, but I didn't get nearly as many pics as I thought. Huh. Anywho, the ones I got are instant classics, IMO!
On a side note: For some reason our youngest kiddos weren't in any pics. The babies went to bed, so I get that, but where the eff is Beck?? I guess he was too busy eating Cream Puffs with Anne to have his picture taken? :)
Without further ado, here are the pics.
Hmmm... maybe if I tried, I could get another one of my chins in this shot:

LOBSTAH!!! How cool are we, having lobster on New Year's?

A. rockin' the drums

Try the wine!

Girls just wanna have fun:

Dirty girls:

M. channels Dee Snider!

The kids had Sparkling Cider, I swear! (total blackmail photo, huh?)
Oh, and I think you can see that my son gets his complexion from my side of the family. Casper the Ghost is actually my great-uncle.

I always try to get couple shots right around midnight, with varying results. These came out great, IMO, except for the host & hostess (ahem). Hey, it's my party and I'll get drunk if I want to!



And after about 5 botched attempts at getting a couple shot of me & my honey the photog just gave up, so we're going with this:

And finally, R. the Giant!

A great time was had by all! We always enjoy our New Year's Eve gathering, but this year was particularly fun! Maybe it was Rock Band (no I can't sing, but did that stop me? Hell to the no!), maybe it was just a good blend of friends, or maybe it was all the booze? All I know is that we had a fabulous time! 2009 is off to a great start!
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