LS is 16 months old now and still uses his binky at night while sleeping, though we're trying to keep them out of his mouth during waking hours. Trouble is, he thinks it's hilarious to throw said binkies and say, "Uh oh!" at any opportunity. I'd waiger that we have at least 25 binkies lurking somewhere in the house. Finding those binkies is proving to be troublesome at best, absolutely maddening at worst.
He's also cutting all four of his his eye teeth right now. Wicked fun.
Yesterday he bit the one binky we could find clear in half. We searched high and low for another one, all for naught. "No binky!" We declared. Tonight, Babychild will sleep sans binky.
It did not go well. He was up at 3 AM, screaming. Jim went to soothe him, and we were all up and down until DH finally relented and got up with him at 4:30.
I've decided that these things are pure evil. I refuse to buy another one, EVER, so it looks like we're in for a couple more sleepless nights until he gets used to not having one. I think we'll go with some ibuprofin for the teething pain and go from there. Highly irritating - I am not someone who does well on minimal sleep. I actually do best on about 9 uninterupted hours/night, not that that has been possible for the past 5 years or so....
So, that's what's new in our neck o' the woods today. I'm tired.
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