Dude, I'm out of here! It has been a long & somewhat crapulant week. (Yeah, I made that word up. So?) And it is only Thursday.
Thankfully, I have tomorrow off and will be luxuriating at home with my family, drinking and eating many things. Good things. Fattening things. Alcoholic things.
I will start my diet next week. A coworker and I are doing some crash diet from Shape magazine that promises we'll lose our bloat, along with 5-7 lbs, in a week. We'll see.
And no, I don't know why I decided to put up a picture of The Dude. I just felt like it, and was inspired by the Lebowski bobble head which lives on my desk. And if you don't know who the Dude is, go forth in shame. And add The Big Lebowski to your Netflix queue immediately.
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